


Past Votes


AIP-380: Swamp Gaming: Let’s pave the road to onboard millions of gamers 


We are requesting $492,000 to establish Swamp Gaming as a premiere gaming entertainment brand. In return, the ApeCoin DAO will receive a 5% stake in our company, along with a 20% share of the revenue. This will be accomplished by transforming Kungarna into a mass proliferation and onboarding vehicle for the ApeCoin DAO ecosystem. With a commitment to self sustainability we will be utilizing tried and true methods for revenue generation which have been successful for Kungarna over the last 7 years. We look forward to the opportunity of onboarding the next million ApeCoin fans.



We firmly believe that we can contribute to bringing unparalleled coverage, viewership, and attention to the ApeCoin ecosystem, with the goal of onboarding creators and gamers.

In 2023 our creators and gamers boasted a collective following of more than 32.2 million fans, garnering an impressive 2.7 billion views. As we venture into 2024, we have assembled a strong roster and are planning a huge expansion!

The rebranding of Kungarna into Swamp Gaming is set to propel our community to the forefront of the gaming industry, instantly establishing us as one of the largest gaming brands on a global scale. Our combined reach will encompass millions of followers and generate billions of views across our rebranded social media platforms, marking a significant milestone in ApeCoin DAO’s journey to metaverse and gaming.



Editors & Designers: $30,000 Swamp House: $99,000 Operational Costs: $113,000 Gaming events: $40,000 Creators & Gamers: $110,000 Swamp Gaming Ownership: $100,000



Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-380-swamp-gaming-let-s-pave-the-road-to-onboard-millions-of-gamers/19985

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

16,272 votes
7 months ago

ApeChain: Selection of proponent to build ApeChain


This vote is to choose the proponent to build ApeChain, a dedicated ApeCoin blockchain that scales $APE and supports the growth of the ApeCoin ecosystem.

The available options reflect the providers who chose to apply and qualified for the Request for Proposals (RFP) advertised here: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/apechain-request-for-proposals/21139

The ApeCoin community is encouraged to review the details of each proposal via the links included below.

  • AIP-377: ApeChain Bid // ApeChain A-Team - Research, Deploy, Manage ApeChain: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-377-apechain-bid-apechain-a-team-research-deploy-manage-apechain/20163

  • AIP-378: ApeChain Bid // ApeChain Developed with Arbitrum Technology with Growth Led by Horizen Labs: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-378-apechain-bid-apechain-developed-with-arbitrum-technology-with-growth-led-by-horizen-labs/20779

  • AIP-384: ApeChain Bid // Built using the fastest and cheapest ZK technology in production (zkSync’s ZK Stack): https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-384-apechain-bid-built-using-the-fastest-and-cheapest-zk-technology-in-production-zksync-s-zk-stack/20955

  • AIP-388: ApeChain Bid // ApeChain - A zk-Powered Layer-2 to Support ApeCoin Growth (Resubmission): https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-388-apechain-bid-apechain-a-zk-powered-layer-2-to-support-apecoin-growth-resubmission/21306


$0 - none of the ApeChain RFP bids are requesting a grant from the ApeCoin DAO.


Link to the full Request for Proposals: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/apechain-request-for-proposals/21139

The implementation of the chosen AIP is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

AIP-377: A-Team; Optimism
16,266 votes
7 months ago

AIP-304: Create the Digital Art Movement Collection to acquire Yuga Assets(BAYC, MAYC, BAKC, and Punks and other notable NFTs...


Create the Digital Art Movement Collection’, which will curate an NFT collection consisting of Yuga assets (BAYC, MAYC, BAKC and Punks), along with other notable NFTs (art and otherwise), to accelerate the advancement of the digital art movement globally.


This will benefit the ApeCoin ecosystem by increasing awareness of ApeCoin’s cultural influence in digital art.

Staking ApeCoin to receive governance for the Digital Art Movement Collection.


11,000,000 ApeCoin to be provided in tranches via a mechanism to be determined together with the APE Foundation at a later date.


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-304-create-the-digital-art-movement-collection-to-acquire-yuga-assets-bayc-mayc-bakc-and-punks-and-other-notable-nfts-for-exhibition-and-donation-to-art-institutions/15737/1

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

13,973 votes
1 year ago

AIP-311: Allow for ApeCoin staked in ParaSpace protocol to be counted for voting power


This AIP is a reconstruction of AIP-229 to be submitted as separate proposals by each protocol.

The current voting system does not allow ApeCoin staked in protocols, other than ApeStake.io, to be considered in voting power calculations for ApeCoin DAO governance.

This AIP allows for ParaSpace to request Ape Foundation’s assistance in implementing ApeCoin staked for its individual users to count as voting power in ApeCoin DAO governance activities.



ParaSpace is a cross-margin lending protocol for full collateralized loans with bundled collateral. In just five months, ParaSpace has achieved impressive results, with up to TVL of $220 million, a leader in the market. We have over 2400 NFTs supplied, over 7,000 users, and $8.3 million in Ape staking. ParaSpace aims to become the world's leading universal lending protocol, not only in the NFTFi area but also in financial derivatives and real-world assets. Our vision is to allow users to borrow anything against everything. ParaSpace has many advantages, including auto-compounding, auto-repay to save gas, and maximizing staking rewards. We also offer a variety of pool choices, such as p2pool and p2peer. We provide BNPL services, allowing users to buy blue-chip NFTs and enjoy benefits with 0% down payment and immediate profit generation for Staking. ParaSpace also offers special features such as Rare Trait Boost loan limits. Recently, we have launched Instant Unstake Eth, allowing users to withdraw assets immediately without waiting 7-14 days.


Increased governance voting participation.

APE Stakting Statistics 8/1/2023


Allowing users to vote will benefit both the growth of ApeCoin DAO and the whole NFTfi industry.


$0 requested from the ApeCoin DAO treasury for this proposal


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-311-allow-for-apecoin-staked-in-paraspace-protocol-to-be-counted-for-voting-power/17006

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

13,973 votes
1 year ago

AIP-275: Understanding and Improving the Governance Participation in ApeCoin DAO


This proposal aims to leverage data analysis and segmentation to identify and address barriers to participation in ApeCoin DAO, enabling the development of tailored onboarding incentives and initiatives. By gaining insights into the interests and activity patterns of $APE token holders, the DAO can optimize its governance processes and foster a more engaged and vibrant community.


We request total funding of $15,000 with the following breakdown: 33% ($5,000) after Milestone 1 and the remaining 67% ($10,000) after Milestone 2.


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-275-understanding-and-improving-the-governance-participation-in-apecoin-dao/13525

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

44,258 votes
1 year ago

AIP-273: ApeCoin to Co-Sponsor Encode’s upcoming University Hackathon!


On behalf of Encode Club 3, I’m excited to put forward this grant proposal for Apecoin to co-sponsor our upcoming four-week virtual Future of Blockchain University Hackathon. This global event aims to introduce sharp university students to leading blockchain protocols, providing the space for a four-week deep dive into the Apecoin ecosystem.

We anticipate driving greater engagement with Apecoin and promoting its adoption across an ever-expanding community. Apecoin’s involvement would include interaction with hackers during two 60-minute technical workshops and setting up to three challenges with accompanying prizes!


We kindly request Apecoin to sponsor our Gold-tier package, entailing a total commitment of $25,000. This sum is split between event organization, targeted marketing, hiring support, and other related costs ($12,500), and prizes to incentivise participants ($12,500). 
This carefully balanced investment in event logistics and participant motivation will help to ensure a successful, dynamic hackathon that champions innovation and brings the Apecoin community closer together.


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-273-apecoin-to-co-sponsor-encode-s-upcoming-university-hackathon/12518

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

44,258 votes
1 year ago

AIP-279: Bored Apes Storm Hollywood (BASH-AIP): Expanding the Ecosystem with Battle-tested IP Veteran and the Batman Producers


This proposal aims to expand the ApeCoin DAO ecosystem through the creation of an animated series pilot and three spin-off comic books, featuring characters owned by ApeCoin DAO holders. We envision a gritty, action-packed, and comedic, anime-inspired adaptation of the American Ape comic book series that prominently features ApeCoin as the primary currency of the Metaverse, reaching beyond the echo chamber of “Crypto Twitter” that is primed to be pitched directly to international streamers via our producing team’s existing development, production and distribution pipelines.


The team is requesting $300,000 USD in $APE to produce the animated series pilot and three (3) spin-off comics, expanding the ApeCoin DAO ecosystem’s lore and raising awareness of the ApeCoin ecosystem through an ongoing mainstream animated television show and secure an international distribution deal for the comic books.


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-279-bored-apes-storm-hollywood-bash-aip-expanding-the-ecosystem-with-battle-tested-ip-veteran-and-the-batman-producers/12858 The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

44,258 votes
1 year ago

AIP-258: Proposal for Creating a Forum Section for AIP Authors Approved by ApeCoin DAO


The proposal suggests adding a new category to the Ape Coin DAO forum, aiming to create an ecosystem that enhances AIP authors’ productivity, enables DAO contributors to join the AIP team, and improves transparency for DAO members.


There is no cost to this change.


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-258-proposal-for-creating-a-forum-section-for-aip-authors-approved-by-apecoin-dao/11759

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

44,258 votes
1 year ago

ApeCoin DAO – Special Council Elections - Term Beginning July 2023


The election process for the ApeCoin DAO was established in AIP-138, which outlines the process for an equal and fair opportunity to be elected to the Special Council. These 5 candidates were selected from the conclusion of the nomination process. In this vote, the top 2 will be elected to the Special Council. The term shall begin 1 July 2023 and will last for one (1) year.


Each Special Council member shall receive compensation as stated in AIP-1, or $20,833.00 of ApeCoin equivalent per month for the term.


Listed in alphabetical order

  • capetaintrippy: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/capetaintrippy-nomination-7-2023/13230
  • KarmaPocket: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/karmapocket-nomination-7-2023/13302
  • swickie: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/swickie-nomination-7-2023/13227
  • ThreadGuy: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/threadguy-nomination-7-2023/13303
  • Waabam: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/waabam-nomination-7-2023/13237


Link to the Nomination Announcement: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/nomination-announcement-ape-foundation-special-council-term-beginning-july-2023/12395

Link to AIP-138: The Special Council Election Process: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-138-the-special-council-election-process/8850

Link to AIP-1: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-1-proposing-the-dao-process/39

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

43,262 votes
1 year ago

ApeCoin DAO – Governance Working Group Steward Elections - Term Beginning July 2023


The election process for the ApeCoin Governance Working Group was established in AIP-239, which outlines the process for an equal and fair opportunity to be elected as a Governance Working Group Steward. These 5 candidates were selected from the conclusion of the nomination process. In this vote, the top 2 will be elected as Stewards of the Governance Working Group. The term shall begin 1 July 2023 and will last for one (1) year.


Each Governance Working Group Steward shall receive compensation as stated in AIP-239, or $9,000.00 of ApeCoin equivalent each month for the length of the current Governance Working Group budget, which expires at the end of August.


Listed in alphabetical order

  • 0xSword: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/0xsword-governance-steward-nomination-7-2023/13245
  • AllCityBAYC: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/allcitybayc-governance-steward-nomination-7-2023/13248
  • Sasha: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/sasha-governance-steward-nomination-7-2023/13240
  • ssp1111: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/ssp1111-governance-steward-nomination-7-2023/13244
  • tigerisfine: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/tigerisfine-governance-steward-nomination-7-2023/13242


Link to the Nomination Announcement: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/nomination-announcement-governance-working-group-steward-term-beginning-july-2023/12394

Link to AIP-239: Working Group Guidelines & The Governance Working Group Charter: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-239-working-group-guidelines-the-governance-working-group-charter/11462

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

43,262 votes
1 year ago

ApeCoin DAO – Governance Steward Nominees - Term Beginning July 2023


The nomination process for the Governance Working Group Stewards was established by AIP-239, which outlines a process for community members to apply for Steward of the Governance Working Group. Applicants put themselves forward and nomination profiles were posted on Discourse for community discussion. Since May 28th, the community has been discussing, engaging, and providing feedback to the nominees. Now it is time to vote for the 5 candidates who will move to the Governance Working Group Steward election vote that will take place from June 22-28.




Link to the Nomination Announcement: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/nomination-announcement-governance-working-group-steward-term-beginning-july-2023/12394

Link to the Nomination Profiles: https://forum.apecoin.com/c/working-group-steward-elections/working-group-steward-nominees/49

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

43,262 votes
1 year ago

ApeCoin DAO – Special Council Nominees - Term Beginning July 2023


The nomination process for the ApeCoin DAO was established by AIP-137, which outlines a process for community members to apply for the Special Council. Applicants put themselves forward and nomination profiles were posted on Discourse for community discussion. Since May 28th, the community has been discussing, engaging, and providing feedback to the nominees. Now it is time to vote for the 5 candidates who will move to the Special Council election vote that will take place from June 22-28.




Link to the Nomination Announcement: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/nomination-announcement-ape-foundation-special-council-term-beginning-july-2023/12395

Link to the Nomination Profiles: https://forum.apecoin.com/c/special-council-elections/special-council-nominees/35

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

43,262 votes
1 year ago

AIP-240: Community Discourse Facilitators


This proposal suggests the creation of an ApeCoin DAO Discourse Facilitation team to facilitate the DAO-approved governance process, in addition to maintaining a productive environment within the DAO’s governance platform. The team will be responsible for overseeing the proposal process, moderating discussions, enforcing rules, and promoting positive community engagement based on DAO-approved guidelines. Under this proposal, the DAO will select two Discourse Facilitators via DAO-wide vote, while @Lost.Admin will be seeded as the third Discourse Facilitators, to ensure continuity from the current Discourse Facilitator team. Come August 2023, the responsibility to choose the Discourse Facilitation team will be assigned to the Governance Working group, provided that the DAO votes to approve the Working Groups structure.


  • $80,000 USD ($24,000 per month for 3 months, $8000 for 1 month)



Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-240-community-discourse-facilitators/11710

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

39,299 votes
1 year ago

AIP-239: Working Group Guidelines & The Governance Working Group Charter


The goal of this AIP is to operationalize the ApeCoin DAO through autonomous Working Groups, beginning with the Governance Working Group which will allow our community to continue the DAO approved governance process which allows for the suggestion, discussion, voting and implementation of proposals. This will empower members of the DAO to make meaningful contributions and participate in facilitating governance operations, in order to further decentralize key functions of the DAO. Working Groups enable a sustainable infrastructure which will allow the DAO to operate efficiently while adapting to any challenges.

Please see the FAQ here


Links to other Working Group Charters:

1. Treasury: Working Group Charter - Treasury
  • The Treasury Working Group’s Mandate is to: “Explore legal and governance structures that would enable the DAO to sustain operations and Initiatives in perpetuity. The Treasury Working Group would also oversee a portion of the ApeCoin DAO’s assets, exploring ways to deploy them thoughtfully on-chain while promoting a non-custodial environment.”
2. Metaverse: Working Group Charter - Metaverse
  • The Metaverse Working Group’s Mandate is to: “Drive culture forward into the metaverse by actively supporting metaverse-related efforts within the ApeCoin DAO.”
3. Marketing and Communications: Working Group Charter - Marketing & Communications
  • The Marketing and Communications Working Group’s Mandate is to: “Create a consistent and compelling brand strategy and identity for the ApeCoin DAO, develop and implement comprehensive marketing and communications strategies, and establish a strong presence through effective global communication efforts in order to onboard more users into the DAO.”


This AIP is requesting up to $180,000 USD in $APE using the price of APE when the grant is issued in order to fund the operations of the Governance Working Group.

The Governance Working Group will invoice the Foundation as needed against this budget until the Governance Working Group Multisig is deployed with four signers including the DAO Secretary. The Governance Working Group will then take custody of the budget.



Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-239-working-group-guidelines-the-governance-working-group-charter/11462

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

50,061 votes
1 year ago

AIP-214: Sponsoring The DAM Show + Live Game Shows


This AIP is to sponsor THE DAM SHOW + our Live Giveaway Gameshows. A portion of the funds will be used to purchase prizes for our Live Gameshows, which are focused on entertaining and building hype leading to The Second Trip. The other portion of the funds will be used to help THE DAM SHOW get more distribution, scale operations, delegate marketing and editing so that we can become a self sustaining operation by the end of the six month period. As a sponsor, at minimum, ApeCoin will be mentioned in each of our live streams and recorded broadcasts in the form of short ad reads, logo overlays, and at times, sponsored segments.


  • Phase 1: Fund giveaways for Live Game Shows ($40K USD)
  • Phase 2: Support the crossing of the chasm ($55K USD) Total: 95,000 USD (~18,969 APE)


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-214-sponsoring-the-dam-show-live-game-shows/10951

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

50,061 votes
1 year ago

AIP-227: Nothersight - Public goods for building DAOs based on islands in the


This proposal presents a platform powered by ApeCoin that empowers community members on Otherdeed islands to form and manage as DAOs. The main feature of the platform is a set of tools that enable community members to easily build, connect, and interact with one another as they manage their islands together.

Through the platform, community members can find statistics and information on their desired islands. The platform also serves as a marketplace/aggregator that facilitates the process of finding and becoming a part of an island with other community members who share the same interests and goals. Overall, the platform’s primary focus is on providing tools for DAOs, with the marketplace/aggregator feature serving as a secondary aspect that supports the formation and management of island communities.


$48,000 equivalent in $APE ~$2,240 will be the base cost for hosting services for the first year.


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-227-nothersight-public-goods-for-building-daos-based-on-islands-in-the-otherside/11230

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

50,061 votes
1 year ago

AIP-230: "I don’t hate apes, I just want them to fund public goods!”



This AIP provides for $1,000,000 to fund crypto public goods through ETH Global and ApeCoin hackathons. The goal of this proposal is to

  1. give back to the Ethereum community;
  2. further development work around account abstraction; and
  3. introduce developers to ApeCoin


The estimated cost of this program is roughly $1,000,000 for 2023.

This includes: $300,000 donated to ETHGlobal $700,000 to sponsor 11 ApeCoin hackathons + at least 5 public goods initiatives


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-230-i-dont-hate-apes-i-just-want-them-to-fund-public-goods/11280

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

49,052 votes
1 year ago

AIP-219: ApeDAO Partners with Kickback!


ApeDAO joins Kickback in sponsoring a AAA-produced one year promotional timeline in gaming — the second iteration of the successful IRL gaming activation from Cxmmunity — the Kickback. Apecoin will stand beside Kickback foundational sponsors in presenting educational tech panels, a Valorant esports tournament and concert from A-list artist (our last headliner was Pusha T).

Foundational sponsors have already committed over $1M to the production of the event.


What is the Kickback?

Video - The Kickback: What is the Kickback? on Vimeo Deck - Copy of CXM Presents - The Kickback - Google Slides


$APE equivalent of $100,000 USD (100% of profits are kept as $APE to serve as a perpetual funding source for future events that will feature ApeDAO. FOREVER.)

Respect the gamer - The Kickback: Respect the Gamer, Keats on Vimeo 1 Higher learning - The Kickback: Higher Learning on Vimeo


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-219-apedao-partners-with-kickback/11049

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

49,052 votes
1 year ago

AIP-232: Resubmission of Building Apeverse: A Multi-language Information Hub for the Ape Ecosystem


The creation of the multi-language information hub, Apeverse, is a move aiming at aggregating information dissemination and community engagement for the rapidly growing Ape ecosystem. With the expanding Ape community, it is crucial to have a platform that provides timely and accessible information on the latest updates, data, and activities within the ecosystem.

Apeverse will not only serve as a source of information but also as a platform for community members to connect and collaborate, fostering a sense of community and promoting growth. The platform will track dynamic changes of Ape-related NFTs and Apecoin and provide data analysis to showcase the progress of the ecosystem, further promoting transparency and accountability within the community.


  • UI/UX design * 1 people * 2 months = 6,000 * 1 * 2 = 12,000
  • Website front-end development * 3 people * 2 months = 4000 * 3 * 2 = 24,000
  • On-going development and maintenance of the website * 1 person * 10 months = 4,000 * 1 * 10 = 40,000
  • Smart contract development *1 people * 1 months = 8,000 * 1 * 1 = 8,000
  • Smart contract audit = 10,000
  • Website content operations * 1 person * 10 months = 3,000 * 1 * 10 = 30,000
  • Invited writers * 1 articles per month * 10 months = 500 * 1 * 10 = 5,000
  • Marketing campaigns * 1 every 2 months * 10 months = 1000 * 0.5 * 10 = 5,000
  • Others (domain name, server, etc.) = 3,000

Total: $135,000 for the first year.


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-232-resubmission-of-building-apeverse-a-multi-language-information-hub-for-the-ape-ecosystem/11453

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

49,052 votes
1 year ago

AIP-225: Ape Page - One place for everything about your Ape


Ape Page builds you a personalized website/URL that highlights all the important things related to your Ape. Link to your Ape Page from anywhere to show off your involvement in the ecosystem.
 Over the last year, the Yuga ecosystem has exploded. Otherside Deeds, Mutant Cartel, pets, Sewer Passes, claims, ApeCoin, the list goes on and on. You’ve been working hard to keep up and work your way through the ranks of the Yugaverse, but all that involvement is hard to visualize. Sure, you can show people some NFTs on your Opensea profile or Tweet about your new Tier 4 Sewer Pass, but telling the story of how it all fits with the community and your PFP is tedious or disconnected at best.

That’s where Ape Page comes in. Connect your wallet, and Ape Page automatically pulls together your BAYC/MAYC PFPs, Sewer Passes, Pets, Jenkins Licenses, ApeCoin Staking stats, wearables, derivatives, Discord Roles, PFP Lore, achievements (and more) into a unique website with a custom URL belonging to you and your ape: 1234.MAYC.PAGE.

Stop wasting time explaining how your Ape PFP is more than a monkey picture. Drop the link anywhere (Discord, Twitter, leaderboards… within Otherside) to show off how baller your Ape is.

By supporting this proposal, you will enable us to provide free page claims (minus gas fees) to all Ape holders and keep pages live for the first year. To claim a page, you’ll need to own an Ape (BAYC/MAYC) and have a minimum of 10 $APE in your wallet. We plan to support wallet delegation for ownership verification and to enable cross-wallet display of items and NFTs.


Claimed pages will be publicly available at [Ape ID].mayc.page or [Ape ID].bayc.page and only modifiable by the Ape holder. Check out the progress we’ve already made here: www.apes.page




$125k - Roughly 25k Apecoin

We are offering to receive 20% up-front and the remaining 80% upon release of the first version of the app to ensure completion.


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-225-ape-page-one-place-for-everything-about-your-ape/11200

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

49,052 votes
1 year ago

AIP-200: Add "Abstain" option to Snapshot


Adding the abstain option, in addition to “In Favor” and “Against” allows voters and delegates to participate in voting without having to take a side. 


There is no overall cost to the DAO.


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-200-add-abstain-option-to-snapshot/10329

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

In favor
50,754 votes
2 years ago

AIP-187: Expanding web3 Access


This grant builds on prior work done by MAYC #16168 to enhance web3 skill sets and expand economic opportunities. In September, 2022, she and a colleague from HUG (a leading web3 technology accelerator) designed and launched Moldova’s first web3 Hackathon and a series of learning experiences for over 500 people in Chisinau, Moldova (see Bored Ape Gazette article and Metalaunchers blog post). 

This grant aims to deepen and expand that initial engagement through 1) continued outreach to educators and students to build on the prior engagement in Moldova 2) expand web3 learning experiences to independent media and local entrepreneurs in Moldova, and 3) to launch 3 additional Hackathons in 2023. We seek $71,400 USD to be converted to $Ape upon acceptance of the proposal. 

Author Description: I am the Chief Learning Officer for a non-profit organization that promotes entrepreneurship as a lever for economic equity. I have a PhD in Education and an MBA in Entrepreneurship, and have been in the field of education for over 25-years, designing impactful and sustainable learning experiences internationally. I seek to expand networks and promote web3 access for people via Hackathons and other skill-building / learning opportunities. 


Item: Design & Development Detailed Costs: Weekly meetings Jan – March with Moldovan stakeholders to co-design

Development of workshops and materials, including high level and detailed agendas

Outreach to mentors, experts to support

Workshop implementation and on the ground support + executive summary and final reports

$10,000; estimate 8+ hours per week for development| |Travel + Per Diem (2 people)|Flights + Hotel + Food (all approximate):

Flights: $1,400 each

Hotel: $1,200 each

Food $50/day

Total: $5900| |Honorariums for Mentors/Experts (Zoom) and locals (Moldova)|Approximately 5-7 people ($350 – 500); Total: $3500 (approximate)| |3-month Mentorship| April-June 2023

Ongoing mentorship for creators (3-4 creators/teams): personal mentorship from the HUG Team for3-months. This incubator begins with a four-week intensive curriculum that engages other web3 projects from around the world. Mentorship includes training in customer/community discovery, brand development, media planning, go-to-market strategy, and more.

Total: $15,000 (approximate)|

|Hackathon Development and Launch (3 additional in 2023)|Airfare / Hotel / Food: approximately $14,000 (see above estimate)

Weekly meetings with local orgs/people to support and tailoring of existing Hackathon framework: 5+ hours per week over 2-3 months: $15,000

Honorariums for experts/mentors (for 3 additional Hackathons): $350 - $500, Total: $8,000 (approximate)

Total: $37,000| |Total|$71,400 converted to APE when the proposal passes|


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-187-expanding-web3-access/9927 

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

50,754 votes
2 years ago

AIP-102: Add Proposal Overview


Each Tuesday, the official ApeCoin Twitter account sends out some really great stats in threads like this one that show a high-level overview of where the group of active proposals stand. The end of the thread also contains a useful chart like the one below.


This helps me (and I’m guessing many others) visualize where proposals are at in the process, but I would like to take it a step further to add even more detail to this useful table. 

I am proposing/requesting the Cartan team add the following: 

  • Add the table in the screenshot above to this Discourse forum home page
  • Include a way to click on each of the numbers in the screenshot above and have it display a pop-up containing links to all the proposals in the category clicked on (ex. If I click on the “5” in the “Moderator Review” column, I want to see which five proposals are in that status). 




Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-102-add-proposal-overview/8129 

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

In favor
50,754 votes
2 years ago

AIP-151: ApeCoin DAO Animated TV Series


This proposal presents the idea that NFTV Network produces an animated interview series to feature ApeCoin holders on a weekly basis. The series would be produced by a decentralized team of industry professionals by NFTV Network team led by Greg Cipes.

Via our $ApeCoin token-gated portal, anyone with a minimum of 10 $APE in their wallet is eligible to be featured in the show. We plan to stream these episodes in the Otherside if / when possible. NFTV currently streams 24/7 across Facebook, Twitter, Twitch & YouTube.

In addition, these episodes will be turned into NFTs and sold exclusively in $APE.

Sample Episode


This section highlights the rough cost structure including voice-over actors, licensing, design, web, and organization.

100% ApeCoin payment would be preferred.

Please see the attached document for the cost breakdown.



Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-151-apecoin-dao-animated-tv-series/9236

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

53,353 votes
2 years ago

AIP-168: The Legend of ApeCoin: Atrium Casting Call


To produce 12 independent animations with a run time of 1 minute each.

This proposal introduces an ecosystem-wide casting call to all eligible IP Holders powered by ApeCoin. The animators of Atrium have experience with Disney, Pixar, HBO, Netflix & more and await the opportunity to co-create with community members. Funding this proposal showcases ApeCoin’s dedication to providing new avenues for creators and results in 12 animations under a “Legend of ApeCoin” theme.

Rationale of Value Added to ApeCoin

  • In an increasingly digital landscape, content rules permanence and brand recall. Good brands build timeless content that fans can anchor on. That in turn creates an increasingly valuable ecosystem around it. As the canon storylines are created officially by Yuga, this proposal to the ApeCoin DAO community has a unique opportunity to co-create equally memorable characters and storylines that are completely driven bottoms-up.
  • Being crypto native and having highly experienced talent from the animation industry (Pixar, Sony, Netflix, Dreamworks, Marvel), Atrium is uniquely positioned to work with ApeCoin DAO to create content that appeals to mainstream audience, bring more awareness to an already lovable crypto-native brand and deliver co-created cinematic content.

How does this benefit DAO + DAO members?

  • ApeCoin DAO produces the storylines the community creates involving the ApeCoin brand.
  • Co-create with crypto native network of qualified animators and filmmakers.
  • Reinforces top of mind for community-produced content on all social channels (Atrium’s previously created content has recorded millions of impressions and hundreds of thousands of views in aggregate).
  • Crypto native distribution mechanism of artifacts used in the production (content viewing, companion mints all made available free to the community members)

Based on the overall reception of the pilot short-film series, if community wants to expand on any specific storyline - Atrium will have logistics In place to build out the series with follow-up proposal.

What is Atrium?

Atrium is a blockchain-backed network of artists and creators. Disciplines represented on Atrium currently include Screenwriting, Animation, Concept Art, Voice Actors, and Music production.

Securing top-quality creative talent who are well versed in the NFT space and committed to supporting the long-term growth of an ecosystem is extraordinarily difficult. Here at Atrium, we have curated and nurtured a collective of outstanding animators, illustrators, storytellers, and all-around remarkable creatives.Take a look at a few of our creators below.















Web-App creation



Funds requested from ApeCoin $200,000

Our independent artists and animators will produce 12 stories for the first series. Each animated story will have a run-time of 1:00min - 1:10min. Proposal funds will be inclusive of:

Logistics for running the casting call Concept development & Storyboarding Animation production VFX Voice-over Music and Sound design



Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-168-the-legend-of-apecoin-atrium-casting-call/9604

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

53,353 votes
2 years ago

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