


Past Votes


ApeChain: Selection of proponent to build ApeChain


This vote is to choose the proponent to build ApeChain, a dedicated ApeCoin blockchain that scales $APE and supports the growth of the ApeCoin ecosystem.

The available options reflect the providers who chose to apply and qualified for the Request for Proposals (RFP) advertised here:

The ApeCoin community is encouraged to review the details of each proposal via the links included below.

  • AIP-377: ApeChain Bid // ApeChain A-Team - Research, Deploy, Manage ApeChain:

  • AIP-378: ApeChain Bid // ApeChain Developed with Arbitrum Technology with Growth Led by Horizen Labs:

  • AIP-384: ApeChain Bid // Built using the fastest and cheapest ZK technology in production (zkSync’s ZK Stack):

  • AIP-388: ApeChain Bid // ApeChain - A zk-Powered Layer-2 to Support ApeCoin Growth (Resubmission):


$0 - none of the ApeChain RFP bids are requesting a grant from the ApeCoin DAO.


Link to the full Request for Proposals:

The implementation of the chosen AIP is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

AIP-377: A-Team; Optimism
24 votes
7 months ago

AIP-379: Thank APE - Phase II: Amplifying a Movement


ApeCoin must create value now. To do that, we must attract, fund, and coordinate the best talent to address our DAO’s biggest needs. Speed and accuracy matter. Trust matters. Automation and decentralization matter. Utility is essential.

Thank APE - Phase II is a one-year initiative that proposes to:

  • Continuously sense into the biggest needs and opportunities for ApeCoin DAO
  • Attract, fund, and coordinate the best talent to quickly respond to those needs
  • Incentivize community members to engage and support value-creating projects

Initially funded nearly a year ago, Thank APE has attracted, funded, and coordinated more talent to create value for ApeCoin DAO than the rest of our DAO AIP process - combined. And we’ve done it with less than 0.4% of the treasury.

Thank APE's Motivation: We are Apes. Our motivation is to create enormous value for ApeCoin DAO - by rewarding and recognizing valuable decentralized contributions to our DAO. We’ve been doing this since our first Thank APE Proposal AIP-124 passed almost a year ago.

Our motivation - combined with our tech and expertise, and your partnership - has helped support significant accomplishments since we launched in April of this year. We’ve done it all through a bear market, decreasing ApeCoin value, and wide-ranging coordination problems in the DAO:

Recently, big proposals have passed that reflect a shared realization that we must create more value now. Examples include AIP-297, AIP-304 , and AIP-317 - all of which are seeking to shake things up and help build value in new, big ways for our DAO.

While the impact of these proposals isn’t yet known, the DAO recognized they we must invest to ignite an ecosystem whose future depends on us. Thank APE is proposing another big bet - one that, we believe, addresses the biggest need in the DAO:

We must create greater value, utility, and efficiency in our DAO now.

To do that, our Thank APE - Phase II will support effective decision-making and allocation of resources - and attract, fund, and coordinate top talent that quickly addresses the biggest needs in the DAO.

  • Our DAO has passed some proposals - but few have created significant impact yet.
  • Our DAO has organized into various groups - but much is still left to be desired.
  • Our DAO has built some things - but not enough people use them and none generate revenue.

Thank APE has already been a consistent force in ApeCoin DAO fixated on solving this massive need. We’ve funded and coordinated the building of hundreds of projects creating value in alignment with the feedback of our community and the needs of our DAO.

Background: Our ApeCoin community was founded with a simple mission of driving culture forward into the metaverse. This mission requires building a thriving ecosystem around our culture and community.

A year ago, we had a treasury war chest valued in the billions. Today that same treasury is valued at a fraction of what it was. This is largely because the DAO has generally had a hard time consistently attracting top talent to contribute to our ecosystem.

There is a simple reason for this: Passing an AIP in our DAO environment is hard. It requires that a builder also be a diplomat and a salesperson, not get paid for months, and - at times - put themselves in the crosshairs of public misinformation campaigns from people with their own interests.

Top builders don't need to put themselves through that kind of pain. They can fund their projects in easier ways than our AIP process provides. For example, ThriveCoin is funded by well-recognized web3 VCs, all of which provided an easiest, less stressful path than passing an ApeCoin AIP.

Thank APE has been changing this.

Through Thank APE, top builders have been able to quickly and easily contribute to ApeCoin DAO in ways that are aligned with the biggest needs of our DAO. The impact is that we've attracted thousands of new contributors that has resulted in hundreds of new projects for ApeCoin DAO.

This is just the beginning. With Phase II, we are doubling down on everything that's worked, making our tech even more accessible and extensible, and focusing all of our energy on attracting greater builders from across our ecosystem to build with ApeCoin!

With Phase II, we are proposing to take a bigger role in helping our ApeCoin community create greater value, efficiency, and utility now. Our shared future requires that we get this right.


ApeCoin must expand the size of our talent pool and continue to create more and more value now. This requires being faster, better, and bolder.

Thank APE is proposing to expand our role as a trusted party in maximizing value creation for our DAO - and doing it in a way that ensures greater utility, value, and efficiency across our decentralized community. The benefit to the ApeCoin ecosystem will be:

  • Greater community-wide clarity about the biggest needs of our ecosystem
  • Quick, precise funding of decentralized talent to address our biggest needs
  • Incentives for members to use and engage projects addressing our biggest needs

We expect to predominately serve three areas of known ecosystem needs (the details of which will be further clarified in the continuous Sense process described below):

  • Tech builders: e.g. development teams, developers, etc.
  • Culture builders: e.g. influencers, artists, writers, events, local communities, etc.
  • Small businesses: e.g. online and offline merchants, service providers, etc.

** If ApeChain is funded, we intend to be a strong support for onboarding and building on ApeChain.

** We intend to give special consideration to projects that drive revenue for the ApeCoin ecosystem.


We request 4.2M APE for a 1-year deployment. Like with Phase I, the proposal is 100% Performance-based.

  • 80% of requested funds allocated back to the ApeCoin community for value-creating contributions.
  • 20% allocated to service provider fees.

Below is an overview of how we expect to allocate funds for Phase 2 over one year (final allocations clarified during ongoing Sense processes, which all community members can influence):

3.36 million APE allocated back to the community in the form of rewards. Includes:

  • 1.68M to Tech Builders
  • 1.18M to Culture Builders
  • 500k to Small Businesses
  • 336k to Emerging Opportunities

840k APE allocated to ThriveCoin, Thank APE Board, and other support services. Includes:

305k - Protocol and Platform Design & Development

  • Product Architecture, Design, and Management - 70k
  • Backend Development Support - 90k
  • Dashboard / UI Development Support - 50k
  • UI/UX Design - 10k
  • QA - 20k
  • Admin Dashboard UI Development - 25k
  • Smart Contract Development - 20k
  • Smart Contract Audit - 20k (third party)

400k - Deployment Support, Partnerships, Community, Legal

  • Community Project Manager - 60k
  • Integrations / Contributions Specialist - 60k
  • Community Relations / Support - 60k
  • Community Management / Moderation - 60k
  • Data Analyst - 40k
  • Funding Allocator - 60k
  • Event Management - 40k
  • Legal - 20k

75k - Hosting Costs

  • AWS Infrastructure Costs - 60k
  • Blockchain Indexing / Data Storage - 15k

60k - Thank APE Board Members not part of the APE Foundation


Link to the full proposal:

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

12 votes
8 months ago

ApeCoin DAO - Special Council Elections - Term Beginning January 2024


The election process for the ApeCoin DAO was established in AIP-138, which outlines the process for an equal and fair opportunity to be elected to the Special Council. These 5 candidates were selected from the conclusion of the nomination process. In this vote, the top 3 will be elected to the Special Council. The term shall begin 1 January 2024 and will last for one (1) year.


Each Special Council member shall receive compensation as stated in AIP-350, or $125,000 USD for the term.


Listed in alphabetical order:







Link to the Nomination Announcement:

Link to AIP-138: The Special Council Election Process:

Link to AIP-1:

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

12 votes
9 months ago

ApeCoin DAO – Governance Steward Nominees - Term Beginning January 2024


The nomination process for the Governance Working Group Stewards was established by AIP-239, which outlines a process for community members to apply for Steward of the Governance Working Group. Applicants put themselves forward and nomination profiles were posted on Discourse for community discussion. Now it is time to vote for the 5 candidates who will move to the Governance Working Group Steward election vote that will take place from December 14th-20th.




Listed in alphabetical order









Link to the Nomination Announcement:

Link to the Nomination Profiles:

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

12 votes
9 months ago

ApeCoin DAO – Special Council Nominees - Term Beginning January 2024

The nomination process for the ApeCoin DAO was established by AIP-137, which outlines a process for community members to apply for the Special Council. Applicants put themselves forward and nomination profiles were posted on Discourse for community discussion. Now it is time to vote for the 5 candidates who will move to the Special Council election vote that will take place from December 14th - 20th.




Listed in alphabetical order













herb: irvinxyz:














Link to the Nomination Announcement:

Link to the Nomination Profiles:

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

12 votes
9 months ago

AIP-364: The Battle for Goblin Town - A Bored Game 


We are near completion for an on-chain strategy game inspired by Settlers of Catan, titled “The Battle for Goblin Town.”

See Twitterimage Actual gameplay footage. Image shows resource tiles, settlements, roads and in-progress battles

BFGT combines the joy and nostalgia of a tabletop experience with the ownership and utility of web3, with a strategic decision-making system driven by economic game theory.

Our initial plan was to independently launch the game in a more open manner but after discussions with key ApeCoin DAO members it became clear that our game could provide significant value to this community by making it exclusive to ApeCoin.


Our intention with this AIP is to create an economically self-sustaining video game that lives on for a long time. We see this game providing real utility and enjoyment to the ApeCoin DAO and ApeCoin holders while introducing new users to the ApeCoin Ecosystem.

-15% of the mint and ongoing game revenue will be returned directly to the ApeCoin DAO.
-15% of ApeCoin generated during mint and ongoing game revenue will be burned (that is, transferred to a dead address, effectively removing it from circulation and reducing the supply). This creates what we believe is the first true ApeCoin Sink.
-20% of ongoing game revenue will go towards supporting future prize pool (or burn).
  • VOTER AIRDROP: Voters who vote on this proposal will receive an airdrop of NFT Chests at a rate of 1 crate per 1,000 votes). Chests contain gameplay pieces: screelings, bosses, structures and cards. These pieces are NFTs that can either be used in-game or traded. Regarding the airdrop, the original holders will receive the crates, NOT the people they have delegated their ApeCoin to. To address this we will use the karma api to track delegates
  • $APE EXCLUSIVE: $APE will be used exclusively as the as the currency for minting and any non-resource purchases to buy into the game
  • For example: during gameplay, $APE can be used to buy card packs (card previews below)

THE MINT The mint will be a 72 hour “open edition” to get crates for your initial game pieces. (Only one crate is required to play, but we expect most users will want to start with multiple crates).

Expand the ApeCoin gaming ecosystem

  • Establish another strong Web3 game in the ApeCoin ecosystem
  • Provide diversity to the ecosystem by releasing a new genre of Web3 game
  • Growth in community through new players, cross-promotion with other ApeCoin games, and improved user retention


  • Improve brand visibility and attract a wider audience
  • Extend ApeCoin to a new demographic of players
  • Use of ApeCoin mark The Battle for Goblin Town is directly aligned with the APE Community’s vision to be the foundation of Web3 culture through gaming, arts, and entertainment. We designed a game that embodies Web3 culture by focusing on the following goals:

Engaging and Fun

  • The main motivation for developing The Battle for Goblin Town was to produce an entertaining, engaging, and social game. Never. Be. Bored.
  • We wanted to capture the same feeling that you get from playing any classic tabletop board game with your friends and family. A family that games together, stays together!
  • The core game loop is simple: Take over Goblin Town!
  • Players may accomplish this in many different ways, from forming alliances with their closest friends, negotiating trades with their neighbors, and taking calculated risks to expand your territory or destroy your enemies’ territories. 
  • On-chain gaming
    • NFT integration to provide true ownership of game assets
  • New gaming genre that combines strategy, social interaction, and “yield-farming”-style mechanisms

Play-to-Earn Mechanics

  • Collectors
    • Unique and various rarity NFT collections between Goblin Bosses and Screelings (see photos below)
  • Competitors
    • Establish prize pool to reward top players after each season
  • Opportunist
    • Players may take advantage of economic opportunities on secondary markets by landing rare Bosses and Screelings, or farming booster packs

TOTAL: $2m (USD) in ApeCoin

  • 1.5m (USD) in ApeCoin
  • 500k (USD) in ApeCoin to be distributed as a prize pool across the first 3 seasons.


Link to the full proposal:

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

12 votes
9 months ago

ApeCoin DAO – Marketing and Communications Steward Nominees - Term Beginning January 2024


The nomination process for the Metaverse Working Group Stewards was established by AIP-245 and AIP-347, which outlines a process for community members to apply for Steward of the Metaverse Working Group. Applicants put themselves forward and nomination profiles were posted on Discourse for community discussion. Since November 22nd, the community has been discussing, engaging, and providing feedback to the nominees. Now it is time to vote for the 5 candidates who will move to the Metaverse Working Group Steward election vote that will take place from December 7th until December 14th.




Listed in alphabetical order







Max Song:







Link to the Nomination Announcement:

Link to the Nomination Profiles:

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

12 votes
9 months ago

AIP-344: Moving gallery for the DAO


TEstablishing a moving gallery for the DAO, showcasing art sculptures of the ApeCoin logo, the DAO’s mascot, and selected Yuga Assets. The primary goal is to engage and adopt a broader audience beyond web3 through exhibitions at galleries, high-end shopping centers, museums and future DAO events, while also offering educational content. Success will be measured through real-time analytics provided by QR codes, including scan numbers, locations, unique scans, page views and more.

Note: none of these art pieces will be used. These are references for our past works. image image2 image3 image4 image5 image6


The inclusion of a moving gallery and art sculptures will bolster the ApeCoin ecosystem’s cultural impact. Their strategic use will increase awareness of the $APE ecosystem and the DAO beyond Web3. The moving gallery will also feature educational content, and success will be quantified. For more information, please continue reading in the section titled “What strategy will the team use?”


Steps from (1-2) 33,867 Apecoin
Steps from (3-4) 35,484 Apecoin
Steps (5-7) 19,226 Apecoin TOTAL: 88,577 Apecoin


Link to the full proposal:

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

12 votes
10 months ago

AIP-355: Reallocation of Ecosystem Fund into Ethereum and USDC


This proposal suggests reallocating 10% of the ApeCoin DAO’s available ecosystem fund into both Ethereum (ETH) and USDC (USD Coin). These funds will be utilized for various activities related to operating the ApeCoin DAO, facilitating grant requests, and ensuring the financial stability of the ecosystem.


The reallocation of funds into Ethereum and USDC ensures the long-term financial health of the ApeCoin DAO. It provides the following benefits:

  • Liquidity for grant requests and ecosystem projects.
  • A buffer against market fluctuations.
  • Flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances.
  • Increased confidence among stakeholders.The reallocation of funds into Ethereum and USDC ensures the long-term financial health of the ApeCoin DAO. It provides the following benefits:
  • Liquidity for grant requests and ecosystem projects.
  • A buffer against market fluctuations.
  • Flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances.
  • Increased confidence among stakeholders.

The cost associated with this proposal is limited to 10% of the available ApeCoin in the Ecosystem Fund and the transaction fees for converting funds into Ethereum and USDC. The exact amount of the fees will depend on market conditions at the time of execution, and the fees from any service providers responsible for the execution of this proposal, but are not expected to exceed $200,000.

We request that the ApeCoin DAO administration do their utmost in aiding the Over the Counter (OTC) sale of the coin to mitigate any potential adverse price effects.


Link to the full proposal:

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

12 votes
10 months ago

AIP-354: ApeCoinDAO AIP Ambassador & Mentorship Program


The purpose of this proposal is to outline the framework for a voluntary, no-cost three-month pilot program aimed at pairing successful AIP authors with first-time (AIP) applicants to foster increased participation and enhance the overall quality of proposals submitted for voting.

AllCityBAYC will oversee the initiative independently, separate from the Governance Working Group, with the intention of presenting a proof-of-concept to the ApeCoinDAO community for further development once completed.

  1. Improve the quality of ApeCoinDAO grant proposals: The AIP Ambassador & Mentorship Program will refine grant proposals submitted to ApeCoinDAO, making them more structured, detailed, and in line with DAO goals.
  2. Increase the success rate of ApeCoinDAO grant proposals: With programs like this, ApeCoinDAO can increase the amount of meaningful proposals being passed, leading to a more effective grant process and overall positive impact on our ecosystem.
  3. Knowledge transfer and skill development: Mentors and mentorship programs pour the foundation for success and reduce learning curves.
  4. Reduced barriers: The AIP Ambassador & Mentorship Program will eliminate or reduce barriers that obstruct individuals or groups from accessing opportunities, resources, or participating in the AIP grant proposal process stemming from a lack of ecosystem understanding or ineffective communication skills.
  5. Community building: This program will develop a deeper sense of belonging, connection, and cooperation among ApeCoinDAO constituents and provide an inviting environment for newcomers who may be curious about writing AIPs.
  6. Establish ApeCoinDAO as a recognized incubator for innovation: Developing ApeCoinDAO as a visible hub known for assisting community members foster innovative ideas will encourage creativity within the community, increase brand recognition and contribute to an overall strengthened reputation.

The cost associated with this proposal is limited to 10% of the available ApeCoin in the Ecosystem Fund and the There is no cost to implement.


Link to the full proposal:

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

12 votes
10 months ago

AIP-324: ApeCoin DAO Governed GameFi Smart Contract Wallet 


This AIP aims to build Apecoin DAO smart contract Wallets for GameFi NFts and establish a Lend assets & rewarding vault for the Game community.

Apecoin DAO Wallets wanted to implement active user engagement in a Game community by enabling GameFi Segment with the DAO and smart contract Wallets. With the rise of NFT-based P2E games, it’s crucial to build a community-driven ecosystem for NFT assets management in order to effectively rotate the assets among the active community members to Maximize the NFT DEFI potential.

DAO wallets are structured to exclusively enable active wallets to retain assets for continued participation in the game. On inactivity, The DAO will conduct votes on idle assets to withdraw them from the member wallet into the assets vault, reallocating them to other members. This approach increases NFT scarcity and price in the market which will eventually attract more buyers and investment in the DAO-driven community. Furthermore, the DAO will offer incentives to participating voters, creating a constructive cycle of engagement.

All the DAO processes will run on a predefined set of rules to streamline community governance. Seamless management of NFT assets through the DAO platform sustains the blockchain-based games ecosystem.



image 3

  • Add more value to the ApeDAO (and subDAOs) by adding the lending and gaming structure features
  • Bring in the ApeDAO a new fair business model
  • Increase the organic participation in the ApeDAO and subDAOs
  • Bring in new members to the ape community and effectively grow the community
  • Enable a safe and fair lending system to “put at work” all NFTs, thus increasing their use cases, value and market dynamics
  • Attract more players to the Ape-related games through the ApeDAOs and large investors and guilds
  • Make the ApeCoin ecosystem in general more guild friendly; large investors and guilds would feel more motivated on investing in Ape-related NFTs and projects and bringing their network into the action



$520k USD, denominated in ApeCoin.

5-7 x games integration : 180k
ApeDAO Custom features : 150k
Enhanced security : 100k
Maintenance, support, HW, SW, servers: 40k
50: various

NB: the above are average estimated costs, pretty hard to predict exact development working hours and difficulty on integrating the games. The development will be incremental and we prepare the ground for the integration of all future Ape ecosystem games/apps.


Link to the full proposal:

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

12 votes
10 months ago

AIP-345: Ape Spirits Presents Twisted Ape Vodka For All Apes 


This proposal presents the opportunity for all BAYC, MAYC, and $APE holders to claim a free bottle of Twisted Ape Ultra Premium Vodka produced by Ape Spirits, while simultaneously expanding the ApeCoin ecosystem with the launch of a new affordable luxury spirits brand that is Made By Apes, Powered By ApeCoin, and features Bored Apes on the packaging.

Ape Spirits will produce 50,000 bottles of Twisted Ape Ultra Premium Vodka, featuring several Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs on the labels, which will be licensed from the community, and offer these bottles for free, to be claimed by ApeCoin ecosystem members on our website. Other Twisted Ape products will also be available for purchase on our website in $APE only.

We intend to take this product mainstream, and approving this proposal will kickstart Ape Spirits on our mission of placing Twisted Ape affordable luxury products on the shelves of thousands of retail stores worldwide, exposing Apes and Apecoin to millions of shoppers on a global scale.

This AIP offers at least 7 direct benefits to the ApeCoin ecosystem:

  • Tangible IRL product in the hands of all Apes, Mutants, and $APE holders
  • Massive exposure and awareness of $APE to mainstream audiences
  • Onboarding normies to the ecosystem
  • IRL use case and spending of $APE
  • Renowned artists involvement and exposure
  • BAYC and MAYC licensing deals
  • Percentage of profits into a community controlled wallet



Twisted Ape has the potential to help proliferate the DAO in a manner that no other project has accomplished as of yet. We will not only reach 50,000 members who will receive the physical product, but also the entire network of people they share it with. This is in addition to the millions of people we intend to reach with our extensive marketing campaigns and distribution of Twisted Ape products at retail locations worldwide.

With Twisted Ape we present an abundance of benefits to the ApeCoin ecosystem with short, mid, long term, and perpetual benefits. To date there has yet to be a proposal that combines this many collective benefits to the ecosystem:

Short/Mid Term:
Upon approval of this proposal we will launch a targeted marketing campaign in which everyone will be made aware that the project was funded by the ApeCoin DAO. We will begin building in public, and the entire process from development, design, production, manufacturing and distribution of the products will be completely transparent and inclusive of the community. This will shine a positive light on the ecosystem and bring awareness to what we are capable of.

We will license several Bored Apes from the community allowing members to leverage their IP and earn revenue from the sales of a mainstream consumable product sold at thousands of retail outlets across the globe.

As a direct benefit to the members of the ecosystem, eligible members will be able to claim their share of the 50,000 bottles of Twisted Ape Ultra Premium Vodka for free. We will also offer a generous discount on any additional Twisted Ape products that are purchased on our website in $APE.

While we are aware that a percentage of these bottles may become collectible items on a shelf, we believe most will be consumed as intended. Either way both will serve as great conversation starters. Members will have the opportunity to share this product with their family and friends, as well as their entire network across their social media platforms. This has the potential to reach an endless number of people who will be exposed to and learn about Apes and ApeCoin.

Long Term/Perpetual:
Twisted Ape is an officially licensed Made By Apes and Powered by ApeCoin product. All orders placed on our website will be in $APE only and every bottle of Twisted Ape will feature an Ape on the label. The Made By Apes and Powered by ApeCoin logos will be prominently displayed on the packaging (if allowed). This will be clearly visible to everyone who encounters any Twisted Ape product, regardless whether purchased online or in retail stores.

There will also be a qr code on the packaging directing customers to our website where we will have a dedicated page with a plethora of educational information about Apes and the ApeCoin ecosystem, including a live ticker showing the current price of $APE along with links to buy on exchanges.

Although the DAO is not set up to receive revenue, we will allocate 5% of our profits from sales of Twisted Ape to a multisig community wallet. Members of the ecosystem can propose and vote on what to do with these funds as well as who the signers on this multisig will be.

Since all of our bottles will feature a Bored Ape on the label, all our marketing efforts will always reference back to the ApeCoin ecosystem in one way or another. Our online and social media marketing campaigns will always default to our website as well. Visitors will be exposed to Apes and ApeCoin, and overall our website will serve as an onboarding platform for ApeCoin.

The cost to implement this AIP is miniscule considering the perpetual benefits our products will have on the ApeCoin ecosystem.

This AIP offers at least 7 direct benefits to the ApeCoin ecosystem:

  • Tangible luxury product in the hands of all Apes and ApeCoin holders
  • Massive exposure to mainstream audiences with ads, retail space, and user generated content being shared across social media
  • Onboarding platform for normies and newbies
  • IRL use case and sink for spending $APE
  • Renowned artist involvement and exposure
  • BAYC and MAYC licensing deals
  • Percentage of profits into a community controlled wallet

-The first benefit is directly for ecosystem members. All BAYC and MAYC holders will be automatically eligible to claim a bottle of Twisted Ape for each NFT they hold. Additionally, at least 20,000 wallets holding $APE will also be eligible to claim a bottle as well. Twisted Ape is a tangible IRL luxury product that members will receive at no cost to them.

-The second benefit is the fact that this item will be distributed, sold, marketed, and advertised on a global scale to mainstream audiences. The fact that it is Made By Apes and Powered By ApeCoin is a major feature of the product that will be represented and highlighted prominently on the product packaging. This will bring an insurmountable amount of attention and direct impressions to the ecosystem.

-The third benefit works in concert with the second. All our product packaging will include blatant displays of our products’ origins. This includes:

  • A Bored Ape front and center on the label and packing boxes.
  • QR codes that lead to our website which will provide education on BAYC, MAYC, Yuga Labs, and most importantly ApeCoin, along with a live price ticker and direct links to buy.
  • The Made By Apes and if allowed the Powered By ApeCoin logos.
  • If granted permission, the ApeCoin logo will be etched onto our bottle.

This will give exposure to ApeCoin and will provide a topic of conversation for those indulging among friends and family.

-The fourth benefit is creating a solid utility for $APE. Twisted Ape will be available for purchase on our website, and the only payment method will be ApeCoin. This means that anyone wanting to buy a bottle will need to either be holding ApeCoin or need to purchase some. In both scenarios our site creates a center of commerce where premium tangible IRL goods are exchanged for ApeCoin. Very few coins have actual purchasing power outside of the crypto ecosystem, this feature alone will set ApeCoin apart from the herd of cryptocurrency tokens that exist with no valid use case.

-The fifth benefit is our artistic packaging design inclusion program. Our outer packaging box will include the creative artistic expressions from numerous digital artists from all around the ecosystem. This box will serve as a canvas for them and the finished product will become a platform for them to share their work with audiences all over the world that may otherwise never be exposed to their creative work. We have already had the privilege of working with some amazing artists from within the space, and have seen the awe inspiring creativity from countless other artists we would be honored to have work with us on future releases of Twisted Ape branded products.

-The sixth benefit is directly for BAYC and MAYC asset holders. We plan to work cohesively with ape owners to create licensing agreements and utilize their apes on limited edition, small batches, and themed products. Licensees will earn revenue from sales of Twisted Ape products not only from our website, but also from mainstream sales made at retail stores worldwide! To accomplish this we will be creating a partnership program specifically aimed at apes that want to have their assets featured on a bottle of Twisted Ape.

-The seventh and last benefit works in tandem with the sixth, and benefits all members. We will be allocating 5% of profits made from all sales of Twisted Ape products to a community wallet. Funds will be deposited directly into this multisig wallet, and ecosystem members will get to decide not only who the signers of the wallet will be, but more importantly will also decide what the proceeds are used for. We worked really hard putting this together and making sure we could provide the most possible tangible value to ApeCoin, the community, and the ecosystem as a whole. The result is a beautifully designed and great tasting luxury product.

Twisted Ape will be enjoyed at countless social gatherings with friends and family. These live interactions will lead to IRL conversations that create awareness, exposure and recognition of the benefits of being a member of the ApeCoin DAO and the overall Ape ecosystem. The social connections and bonds made between adults sharing cocktails will spark word of mouth about our ecosystem that could potentially result in onboarding, aka a trojan horse.

One of our goals with Twisted Ape is not to just create a quality product, but also to provide the market with a complete work of art. A true expression of what happens when you merge two highly prolific creative industries in a perfect artistic marriage, and make it available for anyone to have and enjoy.



The total cost to implement this proposal is 1,100,000 $APE. This amount covers the cost to manufacture 50,000 bottles of Twisted Ape Ultra Premium Vodka which we propose to deliver for free to ecosystem members.


Link to the full proposal:

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

12 votes
10 months ago

AIP-348: ApeComms Collaboration for Education and Community Building 


This zero cost proposal would amplify the impact of ApeComms’ ongoing public work for the ApeCoin ecosystem. By increasing availability of accurate information, showcasing progress from within the ecosystem, and featuring accepted AIPs, we aim to benefit the DAO. ApeComms has a proven track record of elevating proposal authors, onboarding new teams and contributors, highlighting members in the DAO, and fostering a welcoming environment for all ApeCoin holders.


This proposal empowers ApeCoin holders to be more informed by providing equal access to information about the ApeCoin DAO ecosystem, streamlining elements of communication, and encouraging community participation. Through initiatives such as written proposal assessments, educational Twitter Spaces, and broadcasting interviews with community members, we would contribute to building a more vibrant, informed, bonded and engaged ApeCoin community.


This proposal does not require funding from the ApeCoin DAO.


Link to the full proposal:

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

12 votes
10 months ago

AIP-346: Monthly Laughing Ape Stand-Up Comedy Show Utility for all $APE Holders 


If you have $APE in your wallet, you can access the shows, if not, you better get some, sucka. This AIP offers a fun, additional utility to $APE holders. This is a monthly event that every $APE holder from all over the world can participate in.

Any of our normie friends who want to get in will have to buy and hold $APE to see the show. And with our tech partners NiftyKit (AIP-88) we can make that easy for them.


Laughing Ape, INC will bring needed laughter and fun to the DAO. It’s also an opportunity for $APE holders from around the world to gather for a series of exclusive events fostering camaraderie between DAO members. But look, In between shows y’all can go back to yelling at each other over governance, ok?

Here’s how our Bored Silly AIP fits in with the guiding values of APE Foundation:
Boldness: Ape Foundation doesn’t shy away from the weird, the hard, or the new.
The Weird: Laughing Ape makes comedians perform live in front of a global, online audience while live-streaming in front of Anon MFers who wear Ape PFPs. You’re gonna tell me that’s not weird?!
The New: Laughing Ape is pioneering new ways to integrate live comedy performance and blockchain technology.
The Hard: Comedy is hard and so are we. We’re hard AF!
Equality: One APE equals one APE.
You’ve got 1 $APE, you get into the show. You’ve got 0 ape? GTFO and go buy one.
Transparency: Processes and decisions are shared openly with the community.
We’ll share our decision making process in how and why we book our shows the way we do. You’re probably not interested but we’re going to tell you anyway!
Collective Responsibility: We leave everything better than we found it.
Laughing Ape will make the DAO fun for its members. Yes, there is a lot of seriousness needed in the DAO but how about some unseriousness as well? We’ll leave you all in way better spirits than when we found you.

Persistence: Success is an ouroboros, not a straight line.
Laughing Ape, INC launched in early 2022 to a big, fat yawn in the bear market. We didn’t care, we didn’t fold and we’re not going anywhere. We have a mission to bring comedy and comedians to Web3 and by gosh we’re going to do it whether you like it or not.


We aim to raise $180K USD in $APE to fund a year’s worth of events, covering our talent, technology, production, and marketing budgets.



Link to the full proposal:

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

12 votes
10 months ago

AIP-340: ApeCoin Payment Gateway 


This proposal aims to launch the ApeCoin Crypto Payment Gateway allowing online stores to easily accept APE token as a preferred payment method.

The ApeCoin Payment Gateway will include an API to connect with other platforms and integrate Shopify and Wordpress payment plugins for merchants and online stores. Offer lower transactions fees for using ApeCoin as a payment method.

  1. Increase the use cases and utility of ApeCoin.
  2. Encourage ApeCoin adoption by offering ApeCoin payment options to merchants and online stores
  3. Increase participation in the ApeCoin ecosystem.
  4. Offer ApeCoin as an a preferred payment method with a low transaction fee of 1%
  5. Offer ApeCoin payment options to regular web2 online stores and users.
  6. Additional incentives and benefits for ApeCoin communities, eg. discounts, reduced fees, rewards and more.

Project Setup Cost Breakdown User and admin software modules = $3 000.00
Wallet installation (6 Coins x $750 ) = $4 500.00
Includes: APE / BTC / ETH / BNB / USDC / USDT
Merchant API, merchant tools & button maker = $2 800.00
2x Online Store Plugins (Shopify, Wordpress) = $3 500.00
Implementation of security mechanisms, ssl certs, etc. = $2 200.00
Testing, UI and refinement of solution = $2 000.00

Total Project Setup Cost = $18 000.00 once off

Monthly Operational Cost Breakdown
Server Hosting = $50.00 p/m
Dedicated Support service = $400.00 p/m
Marketing/ Designs / Promotions Budget = $400.00 p/m
Project Management / Operations = $1 800.00 ( 90 to 100 hours p/m @ $20 per hour )

Project manager rates currently average $40 to $60 per hour in the USA. Rates set at 50% less to reduce AIP costs, times given are an estimate of operational tasks and duties to manage project, handle merchant KYC, onboarding processes and any other tasks associated.

Total Monthly Operations Costs = $2 650.00 per month 12x Monthly Costs = $31 800.00 per annum

Total Grant Request
$49 800.00 USD equivalent in ApeCoin token (Approx. 45 272 APE at $1.10 current price)


  1. Reach $100 000.00 transaction volume @ 1% = $1 000.00 per month. Month 4
  2. Reach $200 000.00 transaction volume @ 1% = $2 000.00 per month. Months 5 to 8
  3. Reach $400 000.00 transaction volume @ 1% = $4 000.00 per month. Months 9 to 12 800 Made by Ape stores with $500.00 transactions per month will give us $400 000.00 total per month. Proposal Notes:
  4. I have opted to leave out certain extras we could include like Jumpseller and Primer plugins for online stores. These are not currently available as part of the white label solution and development cost is an additional $3500.00 each
  5. We can include additional tokens at $750.00 each for wallet installation/integration.
  6. The application will not integrate with any banking solutions or credit card providers initially and will utilise crypto wallets to store funds. We would like to launch an ApeCoin credit card
facility in future.
  7. Additional features and plugin integrations will be funded via earnings received to continue adding features and functionality to the platform.
  8. Monthly reporting will be provided for transparency.
  9. We aim to give back to the ApeCoin community via ThankApe and the ApeCoin Innovation Fund initiatives.


Link to the full proposal:

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

12 votes
10 months ago

AIP-326: Platform to Enable ApeCoin Powered Payments & Rewards for Apps & Games


We’re proposing the creation of a low-code platform to enable all of the required infrastructure for ApeCoin powered payments and rewards for games. Although the primary focus is browser and mobile games, the platform is also applicable to any web or mobile application.


Benefit to Developers: Easy blockchain integration and access to passionate web3 player community network effects through ApeCoin game interoperability.

Benefit to Players: Easy wallet creation and management enabling purchasing in-game digital collectibles, and earning rewards & achievements.

Benefit to ApeCoin: Expansion of ApeCoin to web and mobile game ecosystem, creating multiple sinks for Ape.

Example Use Case As a Made by Apes brand you want to enable ApeCoin payments on your platform (game or app). With our platform you can add ApeCoin payments functionality with just a few lines of code and then distribute ApeCoin rewards (cashback style) & digital collectibles (e.g. spend 100 ApeCoin & get a free NFT) to your users.

Platform Diagram



We imagine a future where ApeCoin powers a sizable percentage of web/mobile game transactions.

  • Unity-powered games: 50% of games across devices are made with Unity, powering more than 70% of all mobile games [1]

  • Web-based Games: $7.91B in 2022 and projected to grow 4.4% in 2023 [2]

  • Mobile Games (Android & iOS): $226 billion of total app revenue in 2022, with ad revenue ($116 billion) and app store revenue ($110 billion) [3]

Google changing its policy toward blockchain-based apps in July of ‘23, suggests that the mobile web3 gaming wave is just around the corner [4]. Apple is likely not far behind considering games like NFL Rivals already offer NFT purchases in their game that’s available both on iOS and Android, surpassing over 1 million downloads this July [5].

Our platform will help to introduce ApeCoin to new users, create additional sinks for $APE, and position ApeCoin to become one of the most popular gaming tokens.


Cost breakdown and allocations are only an estimation and are subject to change.

$340K - Platform Design & Development

  • $110K Allocated to CR3 Labs/Vora Labs Joint Venture:

    • Product architecture, design, and management - $20,000
    • Unity Template Design & Development - $30,000
    • Unity SDK - $50,000
    • Backend Development Support - $5,000
    • Dashboard / UI Development Support - $5,000
  • $230K Allocated to

    • UI/UX Design - $15,000
    • Admin Dashboard UI Development - $25,000
    • Player Dashboard UI Development - $25,000
    • Backend/API Development - $46,000
    • Typescript SDK (server) - $15,000
    • Typescript SDK (client) - $15,000
    • Smart Contract Development - $54,000
    • Smart Contract Audit - $20,000 (third party)
    • Platform security audit/testing - $15,000 (third party)

$140K - Marketing, Biz Dev, Partnerships, Community, Legal

  • $135K Allocated to CR3 Labs/Vora Labs Joint Venture:

    • Business Development, Partnerships - $40,000
    • Developer Relations - $20,000
    • Marketing - $25,000
    • Illustrations, Videos & Marketing Assets - $24,000
    • Community management & moderation - $8,000
    • Event management - $8,000
    • Legal - $10,000
  • $5K Allocated to

    • Marketing - $2,500
    • Legal - $2,500

~~$100K~~ - Hosting Costs (Subsidized by Vora / CR3 AWS credits)

  • Infrastructure hosting
  • Blockchain indexing / data storage

Total Cost: $480,000 - to be paid in $APE


Link to the full proposal:

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

12 votes
1 year ago

AIP-320: The Sweep: For Accelerating Web3 Gaming Adoption


It costs $9 million to sweep 100 Bored Apes and 200 Mutants. I propose we buy them, hold them in the treasury, and allow game companies to submit proposals requesting them in addition to or in lieu of Apecoin for game prizes and rewards.


I’d love it if we were in an environment in which there were multiple play-to-earn games with significant prize pools creating Apecoin demand for their mints (assuming powered by Apecoin / Apecoin only mints). I find it hard to think of a better use for $9 million dollars in DAO funds than incentivising new entrants to buy Apecoin to compete for valuable prizes (Ape NFTs).

$9 million dollars was arrived upon after calculating the rough cost to purchase 100 Bored Apes and 200 Mutants. The cost of these NFTs is highly volatile so this AIP specifies a dollar amount to spend rather than a number of NFTs to purchase. The number of Bored Apes and Mutants is proportional to their maximum supply, and large enough to create attractive prize pools in the Apecoin ecosystem.


$9 million USD


Link to the full proposal:

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

12 votes
1 year ago

AIP-338: The First ApeCoin Sponsored Competitive E-Sports Tournament with Wreck League


The objective of this proposal is to raise awareness of $APE among traditional gamers by showcasing $APE as the official currency in a professional competitive esports tournament–the Wreck League ApeCoin Tournament–featuring grand prizes designated in $APE. This will demonstrate $APE’s utility as a gaming currency, while also rewarding thousands of ApeCoin community members who already use their NFT mechs to fight in Wreck League battles.

As many of you know, starting on August 31st, Yuga holders claimed their fight-ready Wreck League mechs as part of the Wreck League Founders Mechs collection. Additionally, Wreck League Season 1 powered by ApeCoin is already onboarding new ApeCoin users, showcasing bold new ways to use $APE by powering the Wreck League Web3 fighting game. The Wreck League Genesis Mint, as an example, brought in over 7,500 new $APE holders and generated over 1.5 million $APE in daily transaction volume.

We are asking the ApeCoin community to approve the organization of the Wreck League ApeCoin Tournament and to allocate grand prizes in the total amount of 50,000 $APE to be distributed among the winners of this first, and certainly not last, competitive esports tournament using $APE as the official tournament awards token.



A Wreck League ApeCoin Tournament will strengthen ties among the ApeCoin community while generating awareness among traditional gamers during this holiday season and ultimately promoting the adoption and demand for $APE by showcasing ApeCoin utility in a competitive gaming tournament.

Developed through the collaboration of nWay and Animoca Brands with the participation of Yuga Labs, Wreck League Season1 is powered by ApeCoin. As members of the ApeCoin community, Yat Siu of Animoca Brands and Taehoon Kim of nWay proactively decided to integrate $APE as the primary currency for the Wreck League Season 1 mints and tournaments utilities. The team introduced pricing in ApeCoin: 150$APE for Wreck League Majestic boxes and 50$APE for Wreck League Booster boxes. The Wreck League Genesis Mint contributed to a daily transaction volume of over 1.5 million $APEs. Moreover, it is worth noting that leading to Wreck League Genesis Mint, an increase of about 7,500 new $APE holders was observed, arguably driven by Wreck League Mint buyers buying $APE for the first time in preparation to mint their Wreck League boxes on the morning of August 17. .


nWay, the developer behind Wreck League, is a reputable game developer founded in 2011 with over 50MM downloads of their traditional fighting games. As recently covered in a sponsored Tiger report, Wreck League is poised to bridge nWay’s existing reach among traditional fighting-game players to Web3 gaming by introducing a set of optional yet powerful Web3 gaming utilities, including but not limited to: 1) Customizing and building unique mech NFTs; 2) Entering PvP Wreck League fighting tournaments and competitions to win on-chain rewards; and 3) Delivering a patented, first-of-its-kind NFT to in-app-store publishing and revenue sharing model for mech NFT owners.

In conclusion, by leveraging Wreck League’s reach to traditional gamers, ApeCoin’s active Wreck League fighters, and the native integration with $APE, the Wreck League ApeCoin Tournament is a unique and timely opportunity to effectively raise awareness to ApeCoin among mainstream gamers audiences, reward existing ApeCoin community members, and ultimately onboard new members to the community this holiday season.


ApeDAO Costs: The total cost for the ApeDAO is 50,000 $APE, fully allocated towards Tournament Rewards.

Wreck League, nWay Costs: For clarification, the following costs are not accrued by the ApeDAO and are not requested for ApeDAO approval. These estimate costs will be covered by nWay to produce and promote the Wreck League ApeCoin Tournament.

  • nWay Tournament Production and Marketing Cost Breakdown. For clarification, this Production and Marketing Cost breakdown shall be covered by nWay and is not requested for approval by the ApeDAO.



Link to the full proposal:

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

12 votes
1 year ago

AIP-335: Bored Ape Gazette Powered By ApeCoin


The Bored Ape Gazette is asking the ApeCoin DAO to fund the Bored Ape Gazette for another year to further amplify the DAO and Yugaverse, and enable the Gazette to add weekly Twitter spaces and daily short form animated video content to its output!


Since June 1, 2021, the Bored Ape Gazette has been a part of the Yugaverse, providing daily coverage from the swamp and giving the community a go-to news source across the growing Yuga ecosystem. Over the last year, we have seen the community grow larger with several projects contributing to the Yugaverse such as Applied Primate, Mutant Cartel, and Mocaverse, among others. The Gazette is committed to continuing to build a trusted source of information for this ecosystem for years to come and would love for the paper to be powered by ApeCoin for another year!


Thanks to the ApeCoin DAO’s support of AIP-70 last year, The Bored Ape Gazette was able to expand daily news coverage from 1.5 stories published per day to an average of 4 stories published per day and grow its Twitter audience from 10,000 Followers to nearly 30,000 followers. Today the Gazette averages over 500,000 monthly impressions on Twitter! Along with increased exposure on Twitter, the Gazette has also seen its website viewership go from a few thousand views a month to an average monthly viewership of 13,000! To date, the Gazette has published over 2,200 news articles, 52 weekly newsletter recaps, covered IRL events, live tweeted from important DAO meetings, and reported on important Twitter Space every week! In addition, with funds from last year’s approved AIP-70, the Gazette hired a website designer who has made the website more user-friendly, added a cryptocurrency ticker, an ApeCoin price chart page, and a new community calendar to reflect current and future events and Twitter Spaces!


With the funds requested in this proposal, the Gazette will continue to produce 3-5 Yugaverse/ ApeCoin stories per day, continue its two bi-weekly newsletters (Keeping Tabs On The Lab And The ApeCoin DAO-N Low), add daily animated news segments that will be shared across Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, start a Twitter Space series where the paper will interview builders, and add more amazing features to its website such as a language plug in, Yugaverse timeline, an “on this day in Bored history” section, additional ApeCoin metrics and numbers such as staking analytics, a new email blast campaign that will send subscribers a quick rundown on the swamp, the addition of dark mode, among other things!

With your continued support, the future of the Bored Ape Gazette will be very $Ape-ish and everyone inside and outside the Yugaverse will see a lot more $Ape content!

Here’s how much Ape and Yuga Labs content the Gazette will be putting out with this expansion every month!



The Bored Ape Gazette currently produces an average of four written articles per day, providing both those within and outside the Yugaverse with a go-to news source for information on all things $Ape! This AIP will empower the Gazette to maintain this level of written output while also enabling the addition of daily short-form video news content that will be shared on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. This new video content will reach new audiences who may not have the time to read the Gazette or be familiar with the ecosystem, giving them a chance to learn about all things $Ape and Yuga. This, in turn, will lead to increased exposure for the DAO, expand $Ape’s reach, and make the community better informed!


Total: $150,000 USD worth of $Ape:

  • Cost Breakdown

**Content Creation For The Year: $120,000 USD. The Gazette will produce at least 1460 articles, 365 animated videos, 48 Twitter Spaces, 26 Keeping Tabs on The Lab Newsletters, and 26 ApeCoin DAO-N Low Newsletters, in the next year. That breaks down to $63.93 per article/video/ newsletter cost basis.

Cost to create news video animations: $18,000 USD

Language plug in: $1200 USD

Additional website building and new Ape analytics $10,000 USD


Link to the full proposal:

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

12 votes
1 year ago

AIP-334: Maui Relief Fund


Harnessing the financial strength of the ApeCoin community, this proposal intends to promptly deploy $1.2 million in relief efforts for the hard-hit Lahaina, Maui community. By directing funds to the Maui Humane Society and 100 identified local families devastated by the recent disaster, we can provide immediate, tangible support during this crucial time.


Primarily, this AIP focuses on providing immediate aid to those in desperate need. While secondary benefits like positive PR might emerge, our principal mission remains humanitarian.


A total of $1.2 million.


Link to the full proposal:

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

12 votes
1 year ago

AIP-337: Re-evaluating ApeCoin DAO Special Council Salaries Structure


This AIP proposes the re-evaluation of Special Council salaries from AIP-1 with an immediate salary adjustment for future Special Council members, suggesting a 50% reduction in their compensation (from $20,833 of ApeCoin/month to $10,417 of ApeCoin/month). This adjustment will be applicable to all future terms as detailed in AIP-137 and AIP-138, exclusively affecting Special Council members elected after the implementation of this proposal.


Financially, the DAO stands to accrue savings of up to $104,165 ApeCoin monthly. It will also elevate community engagement by granting ApeCoin holders the opportunity to vote on this delicate matter, enhancing the overall governance.


$0. No costs for the ApeCoin DAO. Instead it will save the DAO up to $104,165 ApeCoin/month.


Link to the full proposal:

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

12 votes
1 year ago

AIP-298: Transforming Lives with a $100K Donation - Apecoin DAO and W3 Labs Take Action for Positive Change


“It is in giving that we receive.” - Francis of Assisi

The core of this proposal centers around promoting collaboration for the greater good of humanity and making a positive impact on individuals’ health and happiness.

W3 Labs, recognized for their development of dot ape domains on the Ethereum chain, actively supports the decentralized Apecoin token to facilitate transactions, showcasing their dedication to enhancing the utility of the ape coin community. They provide these domains as a means for individuals to establish their digital identity within the Web3 realm and seamlessly engage with popular decentralized applications (dApps).

As an expression of gratitude, this proposal suggests providing the DAO with relevant domains at no expense, along with a monetary contribution to an organization chosen by the DAO/community.

This proposal is simply about extending a helping hand to the DAO’s compassionate virtue, contributing a little from Labs for societal good, and securing digital identity for DAO as well. W3 Labs proposes to donate $50K from their side and would love the ApeCoin DAO to also match that contribution to a charity of DAO’s and community choice.


  • Community Goodwill: A donation from W3 Labs, matched by ApeCoin DAO, demonstrates our commitment to charity efforts and philanthropy goals.

  • Helping Others: Empowering individuals in their time of need, providing hope for a better future, supported by the leading Web3 community.

  • Increased Visibility: Collaborating with renowned organizations boosts global presence.

  • Positive PR and Mainstream Attention: Engaging content promotes ApeCoin's values. Enhanced by custom creatives to highlight our actions across social and digital media.

  • Transparency and Accountability: Financial Reports ensure trust in the $100,000 deployment in donation(s).

  • Enhanced Digital Security and Identity: Free Dot ape domains on Ethereum improve user identity, security, and trust within Web3.

  • Existing Use Case for ApeCoin: Dot ape domains powered by the decentralized $apecoin token adds extra utility to the ApeCoin ecosystem.


In terms of cost implications, we assure the DAO of our commitment to bear the entirety of the expenses associated with the creation, implementation and operation of this proposal. The DAO's contribution is solely towards matching the $50,000 donation, which will be triggered only after Dot Ape has transferred the equivalent amount to the DAO.

We genuinely believe in the confluence of professionalism, trust, and altruism as we venture into this journey. Looking forward to advancing our shared values in the realm of Web3, and strengthening the spirit of community and compassionate action.

"Thank you for your time and support. We, at W3 Labs, remain dedicated to making a positive impact and welcome your input."


Link to the full proposal:

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

11 votes
1 year ago

AIP-323: Authorise Special Council to issue Directives for more efficient DAO administration


The proposal seeks to formalise a process for Special Council to give Directives to make DAO administration more efficient and to enable Special Council to immediately implement improvements to administrative functions of the DAO by Special Council themselves or on receipt of a request from any member or administrative worker of the DAO.


The proposal will benefit the ApecoinDAO as already fully explained above and so also benefit the Apecoin ecosystem as a whole, as the ecosystem will benefit from Directives that can declog the AIP process from administrative related AIPs and that further enables the ApecoinDAO to operate more efficiently.


12000 Apecoin as follows - 2000 Apecoin per month for 6 months as compensation for the new drafting position, as more fully set out and described in paragraph 16 of Specifications above, with the Drafter, as described in paragraph 16 of Specifications above, as the grant recipient.


Link to the full proposal:

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

11 votes
1 year ago

AIP-329: Official ApeCoin DAO Booth at Animoca Brands Event in HK (Apefest)


Apefest is set to take place in Hong Kong, organized by Yuga Labs. This proposal aims to establish and operate Official ApeCoin DAO Booth in HK during Apefest, participate in the upcoming Animoca Brands event, Co-hosting Mocaverse and EliteApes. This booth will serve as an educational and networking platform, strategically aligned with the Apefest, to deepen connections, exchange knowledge, and contribute to the vibrant Web3 community.



Securing an official booth benefits the ApeCoin ecosystem by increasing our visibility in the Hong Kong Web3 community. It fosters knowledge exchange, Animoca Brands’ networking, and collaboration, ultimately driving greater adoption of ApeCoin.

By providing an official booth for knowledge exchange, networking, and collaboration, this summit contributes to a more connected, informed, and empowered Web3 community, thereby catalyzing further adoption of ApeCoin.



Total Proposed Funding: 94,500~ $APE, $105,000.00 USD


Link to the full proposal:

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

11 votes
1 year ago

AIP-319: Create the Sporting League of the Otherside (NFTeams) + 5,000 free 3D Player Mint


NFTeams has been building out its ecosystem for the past 2 years. We have built an entire sporting ecosystem (Teams, Jerseys, and now Players) and are ready to mint the players and start on the game.

This proposal’s main aims are:

  1. Make NFTeams the Sporting League of Otherside
  2. Move NFTeams to an Apecoin Standard
  3. Give 5,000 Player NFTs to $APE and BAYC ecosystem (free mint)

This proposal aims to move the NFTeams ecosystem to an Apecoin standard, while also giving 5,000 Player NFTs as a free mint to $APEcoin and BAYC ecosystem holders (via mini-games)

The goal of NFTeams is to create the sporting leagues of the Otherside. We have already created 10,000 teams and jerseys and given away over $200,000 USD in prizes.

Our next step is to release our 10,000 Players that will compete in games each day.

This promo video will give a good idea of what we want to eventually have running in Otherside.



  • Bring in 500-1000 new $APE holders from the current NFTeams ecosystem
  • Potential for new $APE holders who want to win a free Player NFT
  • Show a use case for $APE (prize money, player training, tournament entry)
  • New content for Otherside (Sporting events, Player backstories)
  • Use case for Otherdeeds (sporting stadiums)(Sporting equipment made from resources)
  • Always on worldwide sport (running 24/7)
  • Showing other projects how to move to $ApeCoin Standard.


$500,000 USD in $APE

You could see this as the DAO paying $100 (~0.05 ETH) for each Player given away + all the extra benefits.

80% of the $APE will stay as $APE and be staked and used for prizemoney. The current community fund will be converted to fund the ongoing build.

Also note: $280,000 was spent on Player creation and tooling (which is not a cost being paid for via this proposal).


Link to the full proposal:

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

101 votes
1 year ago

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