A pioneering venture, “ApeCoin Pets” marries the realms of cryptocurrency and pet entertainment. Our advanced toys not only engage pets physically and mentally but also reward them with ApeCoins based on their interaction. We are appealing to the APE Community to champion and publicize ApeCoin Pets on a global scale.
Introducing ApeCoin Pets can usher in a fresh and exhilarating dimension to the ApeCoin ecosystem. By marketing our product range, we aim to draw in a larger user base and escalate overall participation. With the proposed funding, we plan to manage both production and promotional expenses, promising comprehensive benefits in alignment with the funding requisition.
We seek a funding allocation of $250,000 USD denominated in ApeCoin, to adeptly handle research, development, manufacturing, marketing, and seamless integration expenses.
Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-352-apecoin-pets-and-toys/18744
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