The goal of this proposal is to establish the ApeCoin DAO Development Working Group.
The ApeCoin DAO Development Working Group’s mandate is to: “Build income generating projects for the ApeCoin DAO, ApeCoin Initiatives like ThankApe, Boring Security DAO, MBA licensed projects and the ApeCoin community. ApeChain will be a strong focus point once we reach that point.”
Working Groups enable a sustainable community-led infrastructure that further decentralizes the DAO, creates operational efficiency, and is flexible enough to adapt to any opportunities that may arise.
It was recently announced that the ApeCoin DAO can receive revenue from AIPs and projects within the Ape and ApeCoin communities. There has been much talk around bringing much needed value back to the DAO and believe there needs to be a more structured focus on doing this. The ApeCoin DAO Development Working Group will focus solely on this and aims to create various projects and initiatives that will serve this exact purpose.
Working together as a community I feel we can implement various simple solutions that will drive value and needed resources back into the DAO and other initiatives alleviating the sell pressure on our much loved $APE token. In addition we expect to see the ApeChain come to life sooner, rather than later and there needs to be a strong focus on building on this to ensure it’s long term success.
If you build it, they will come…
This AIP serves as an initial framework to establish this Working Group. The three elected Stewards will propose a budget 1-3 weeks after being onboarded.
List item
Link to the full proposal:
The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.