With over three decades of professional marketing and brand development experience, the MarComms Working Group team is excited to outline our budget proposal that addresses identifiable needs and leverages our unique expertise & network.
This can be constructed into 4 simplified categories:
The mission starts with establishing a cohesive brand foundation that amplifies into a persistent brand strategy & identity for ApeCoin. To accomplish this, we will set transparent guidelines, and actively foster positive public relations, structured communications, meaningful partnerships, tent pole community events, and content production for the ApeCoin ecosystem.
The MarComms team has already hit the ground running since inception by contributing to ongoing and new initiatives throughout the ApeCoin ecosystem. Given the dynamic needs of ApeCoin past, present, and future, the delineated budget allows us to capitalize and build on the momentum to showcase our strategic vision to supplement and augment the ApeCoin brand. The desired outcome is to:
This proposal aims to refine the ApeCoin branding, enhancing standardization and proactive communication. Strengthening internal and external communication, encouraging onboarding, and increasing community participation. Initiatives such as social media engagement and in-person events will effectively structure brand narratives. MarComms aims to foster a more creative, globally-connected, and linguistically diverse community environment.
This budget proposal requests an allocation of $APE tokens equivalent to $493,500 USD to cover the MarComms Working Group’s operational needs for the first six months.
Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-403-apecoin-dao-marketing-communications-marcomms-working-group-budget/22170
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