With the upcoming launch of ApeChain, the ApeCoin community is taking a leap forward in creating one of the most robust ecosystems in web3-enhanced gaming, with a focus on content and utility to drive delight amongst gamers, reward developers, and increase the usage of $APE. Making it effortless for games to launch, attract players, and scale on ApeChain is fundamental to the ecosystem’s success. Empowering developers (and therefore gamers and usage) requires the right technology and solutions, and Sequence is excited to propose APE Builder as a platform to supercharge the development of games on ApeChain and spur the utility of $APE.
The ApeCoin community put its trust in ApeChain to further the goals of adoption and usage of $APE and reward the ApeCoin DAO and community. Scalable content and utility are widely recognized as the best practices for driving the use of $APE and similar tokens. However, every new chain, including ApeChain, requires comprehensive technology and solutions for developers and creators to build and launch successful, accessible content. APE Builder uniquely solves these needs and allows developers to build rewarding experiences leveraging ApeChain and $APE.
0 ApeCoin
Sequence will not seek any form of compensation from the ApeCoin DAO for the scope of work outlined herein or ongoing support of APE Builder developers in accordance with its access tiers. As mentioned above, APE Builder is free to begin using and creating, with scalable access options for growing projects that align with the incentives of the developer, ApeChain, and the ApeCoin community.
Regarding expectations of the APE Foundation, in helping to realize ApeChain’s goals, we are requesting that the Foundation provide:
Branding Authorization
For select partners, Sequence can extend a unique commercial structure which removes all out of pocket costs for developers and instead further aligns the partnership around the success of the game based on primary and secondary sales.
We are excited to accelerate the adoption of ApeChain and the usage of $APE, and reduce barriers for developers and players to create and enjoy the best games on ApeChain.
Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-418-ape-builder-developed-by-sequence/23164
The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.