


Past Votes


AIP-434: [Resubmission] Other Page: A Player Network & Rewards Hub for ApeChain 


The original concept for Other Page](https://other.page)  (Made by Apes #00190) was to create a simple profile for Ape holders (Ape Page). This idea was limited in both its utility and its ability to bring value to the DAO. Since then, not only has our vision evolved substantially, but several critical events have occurred:

  1. The ApeChain proposal was passed.
  2. CR3 Labs, our parent company, won AIP-326 (aka. Canopy).
  3. Other Page has garnered significant traction including support for over 55 collections, key partnerships, and onboarding over one thousand Yugaverse active community members since coming out of closed beta earlier this year.

Our traction combined with the evolution of the ecosystem over the last year provides us with an opportunity to use Other Page to bring significant value to the ApeCoin DAO, the community, and ApeChain.

This resubmission outlines our plan to leverage Other Page to accelerate ApeChain adoption through the use of new incentives & rewards functionality and an Avatar Connect SSO solution.

The product expansion will provide ApeChain with critical incentive mechanisms to onboard new games and users into the ApeChain ecosystem through the use of 2D/3D avatars, community management tools, and ApeCoin rewards. In addition, it will drastically reduce the friction of user on-boarding to the ecosystem.

Link to Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ha7j6GOIDR8


Other Page will drive value to the ApeCoin & ApeChain ecosystems in several ways:

  1. Promote the usage of ApeCoin - help players discover and transact with the various games built on ApeChain, thus generating additional transaction fees for ApeChain.
  2. Facilitate ApeChain user onboarding - currently we have around half of the active gaming ecosystem within the Yugaverse using our platform. Other Page Connect, our SSO solution, makes wallet creation and connection to any game/project painless. New accounts are airdropped ApeChain $APE to prevent the need to bridge their first ApeCoin.
  3. Improve discovery - the community management, game discovery features, and on-chain badges will enable better discovery, leading to better monetization, and increased revenue back to ApeChain & the ApeCoin DAO.
  4. Facilitate achievements & reward distribution - using ApeCoin as the default reward token for the platform. Rewards and on-chain badges help incentivize players and games to use ApeChain.

Customer Journey img


Total Budget: $1.03M USD + 100k ApeCoin

  • $1.03M USD for product, marketing, & legal
  • 100k ApeCoin for community onboarding

Product Design & Development: $570k

  • Software Requirements & Technical Architecture: $50,000
  • UI/UX: $40,000
  • Canopy product integration: $70,000
    • Smart Contract development (Port to ApeChain): $50,000
    • Infrastructure integration into Other Page Dashboard: $20,000
  • Devops / Infrastructure Development to support new features: $70,000
  • Front-End Development & Integration (New Features): $110,000
  • Back-End Development & Integration (New Features): $150,000
  • ApeCoin distribution automation: $20,000
  • Testing & QA: $60,000

Infrastructure & Maintenance Costs: $90k

  • Infrastructure Hosting Costs: $50,000
  • Blockchain Indexing / Data Storage: $20,000
  • Maintenance, bug fixes & support: $20,000 *Provides an estimated 1 year of coverage.

Security Audits: $100k

  • Smart Contract audits (Internal & 3rd Party): $50,000
  • Security & penetration testing (Internal & 3rd Party): $50,000

Marketing: $150k

  • Business development & partnerships: $90,000
  • Community management: $30,000
  • Operations & Misc: $30,000

Legal & Advisory: $120k

  • Professional support to ensure compliance, proper setup for on-chain mechanics, and proper design and management for the $APE account distributions. *Third party advisors only, listed advisors on this AIP will not be compensated.

Community: 100k APE

  • 100,000 APE distributed to new & existing Other Page accounts as ApeChain APE to streamline onboarding. ApeChain $APE will be deposited into new users’ wallets to be spent within ApeChain ecosystem activations (e.g. games & apps).
  • Automation will be created to distribute 10 ApeCoin per account with sybil attack mitigation.


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-434-resubmission-other-page-a-player-network-rewards-hub-for-apechain/23786

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2M votes
2 months ago

AIP-430: ApeFacingApes – Amplifying the IP usage of BAYC and generating value for the entire Ape Ecosystem 


ApeFacingApes delivers value to all Ape holders by better utilizing their IP. It not only gives holders a fresh perspective, but also tools to better monetize it. This will benefit the whole Ape- and Apecoin- Ecosystem.


ApeFacingApe / BAYC

For easy accessibility and best user experience, we are immensely happy that YUGA LABS committed to implement our frontal Ape versions and the link to our editor into their official BAYC profile page. With this, every holder has a one-stop resource to fully utilize the BAYC IP.`


Source : Official BAYC profile page, YugaLabs

ApeFacingApes already is an established project, approved by many renowned community members. It is operating under the MBA license #118. Now it is time to make it available to all 10k Apes. OG holders will of course be fully refunded.

We roughly estimate 3 new assets per month and in total 108 for 3 years. There will be slots allocated, which we will fill with own creations, creations for MBA projects and creations for Ape communities. MBA projects and communities can apply for a slot through our ticketing system in Discord.


Source: X, community posts



NOT JUST A DERIVATIVE: We are bringing value to the original BAYC community. IP usage of BAYC is the critical element that provides long-term value to holders. The higher the brand recognition, the more valuable the brand and associated businesses. With an increased IP usage and higher brand recognition, the whole Ape and Apecoin ecosystem will benefit.

img5 Source: X, @0xClawd, example for increased marketability

BRAND RECOGNITION: "The extent to which a target audience can identify or recall a brand based on its visual identity. Strong brand recognition is a crucial goal for companies and leads to increased consumer trust and loyalty.”

img6 ApeFacingApe / BAYC

The visual identity of BAYC is more than just the PFP. It is in the core of the brands. ApeFacingApes, is not adding, it is extending.

„With user-generated content the emotional connection and brand personality gets elevated. Memes are a fun and engaging way for brands to connect with their audience, increase brand recognition, and stay relevant in today’s digital landscape.” With ApeFacingApes there will be many new and innovative ways to play the meme game and to stay relevant.


Our editor is the place for individually outfitting all Apes. We have hand-drawn all 168 Ape trait layers which allows us to create unique and high-quality meme assets in our editor. We built in a feature to allow certain items only for specific BAYC ID’s, for example regional communities, like Dubai Apes.

img8 Source: ApeFacingApes.com, Editor


Total amount requested from the ApeCoin Ecosystem Fund = 289,000 ApeCoin. img9 img10 By supporting this AIP you will deliver instant utility to all Ape holders and with it to the whole Ape ecosystem.
You will unlock the power of memes to all Apes and increase overall brand recognition. Multiplicators, such as MBA projects or local Ape communities will be supported with individual assets. The goal is to grow together, always staying relevant. img11


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-430-apefacingapes-amplifying-the-ip-usage-of-bayc-and-generating-value-for-the-entire-ape-ecosystem/23494

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2M votes
3 months ago

AIP-440: Enhancing Exposure of Brands that accept ApeCoin as payment: Unboxing Web3 Partnership Proposal 


ApeCoin is a promising concept with significant potential, but for ApeCoin to truly flourish, its utility needs to expand. Increasing ApeCoin adoption as a payment option for brands is essential for enhancing its utility. Brands that integrate ApeCoin as a payment option should be rewarded, and those that haven’t yet should be encouraged to do so. This proposal not only rewards current brands accepting ApeCoin but also motivates other brands to follow suit. Currently, over 400 Made By Apes (MBA) brands exist, but not many accept ApeCoin—this needs to change.

With a proven track record of crafting high-quality content and showcasing the work of builders within the space, our objective is to leverage our skills to elevate all brands operating within Web3.


To achieve this, we will categorize our approach into several key areas:

  • Editing & Production
  • Time Compensation
  • Product Acquisition

Our mission begins with establishing a content calendar that spotlights individual brands that accept ApeCoin, with a priority for Made By Apes brands. This involves setting transparent guidelines, managing brand expectations, fostering meaningful partnerships, and generating content for the ApeCoin ecosystem.

The Unboxing Web3 team has already featured numerous brands within the ApeCoin ecosystem. This is achieved by collaborating with brands that accept ApeCoin as currency, showcasing the physical products they offer as digital-native brands.


The desired outcomes include:

  • Creating content for brands that may lack resources.
  • Producing high-quality content for increased exposure.
  • Developing a transparent content calendar with deadlines for deliverables.
  • Producing a series of videos that spotlight builders that are utilizing ApeCoin as an option to purchase.
  • Apecoin logo in all videos produced for this series, to represent sponsorship “powered by Apecoin”
  • Supporting builders within the Apecoin ecosystem by purchasing and showcasing their products.
  • Giveaways of selected brands to increase exposure.

We propose to continue creating Unboxing videos for as many brands that accept ApeCoin as possible, without cost to the brands themselves. Each Unboxing episode will educate viewers on the project and its products, providing guidance on how to follow and purchase these products, with an emphasis on using ApeCoin as the chosen currency.


The ApeCoin focused Unboxing Web3 series aligns with the ApeCoin DAO’s mission to foster community-led projects that inject culture into the metaverse. This series will bring exposure to brands that accept ApeCoin and ApeCoin-funded projects by narrating the stories of these brands, and showcasing their products or services.

By highlighting successful Apecoin accepting projects, this initiative will:

  • Amplify the marketing efforts of these brands, raising awareness within the community and beyond about products and services that accept ApeCoin as payment.
  • Drive adoption of all brands utilizing IP from brands accepting of apecoin by presenting real-world examples of its successful integration into business. i.e. Animoca Brands, Yuga Labs, etc.
  • Generate revenue for brands through increased sales resulting from video content showcasing purchasing instructions and in-depth product/service reviews.
  • Offer valuable exposure for featured projects and the individuals behind them, promoting their ventures and attracting new customers or potential investors.
  • Attract new members to projects using their IP by showcasing diverse creative opportunities for IP use cases.
  • Enhance internal and external communication with these brands and increase community engagement with them.



The total amount requested from the ApeCoin Ecosystem Fund = $97,400 USD.

This budget proposal requests an allocation of $Ape Tokens equivalent to $97,400 USD to cover Unboxing Web3’s operational needs, specifically for the production and marketing of the 78 videos over 12 months as detailed in this proposal.



Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-440-enhancing-exposure-of-brands-that-accept-apecoin-as-payment-unboxing-web3-partnership-proposal/23816

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2M votes
3 months ago

AIP-454: The BANANA Bill: Apes Gotta Eat 


This proposal requests funding to support the long-term sustainability and growth of ApeChain through the creation of the “Banana Program”, with two complementary initiatives:

  • a Commercial Agreements Initiative; and
  • a User Incentives Initiative

The Commercial Agreements Initiative is tasked with negotiating commercial agreements with projects, companies and protocols committed to building on ApeChain. These commercial agreements will cover a wide array of structures and incentive models, including the possibility of revenue shares, collaborations, and other ownership arrangements. However, a key commonality will be that the terms of the commercial agreements will provide value to the ApeCoin DAO.

The commercial agreements may also incentivize builders to use community and stakeholder intellectual property in games, activations and/or protocols utilizing ApeChain, and to integrate ApeCoin into game and protocol economics on ApeChain.

Any proceeds generated from the commercial agreements will be redirected back into the overall budget for the programs so that this will become a reusable source of funding for supporting and growing ApeChain. Proceeds may come in various forms, such as tokens, revenue share (fiat or crypto), stock, or assets. Given that each of these will need to be dealt with on a case-by-case basis (e.g. what wallet would crypto revenue share be transferred to), the Special Council will determine for each Commercial Agreement how the proceeds will be returned to the Banana Program for continued use during the two year term, or returned to the ApeCoin DAO.

Similarly, the User Incentives Initiative (as detailed further below) will distribute user incentives with the goal of proportionally growing the network, and may be used as a part of the overall package when negotiating the core economic terms of the commercial agreements.

The Advisory Committee will oversee both programs, including providing endorsements for commercial agreements that will be subject to Special Council veto-authority. The Advisory Committee will be initially composed of the members noted above, and will be supported in day-to-day operations by a Program Facilitator and Strategic Accounts Manager.

This proposal will create a vibrant and attractive environment for game publishers and developers, DeFi protocols, and others seeking to build on ApeChain. The commercial agreements will aim to create a steady stream of future revenue and value, empowering the ApeCoin DAO to continue funding growth many years into the future.

This proposal will Bolster ApeChain Network Activity through New Allocations (BANANA). This is the BANANA Bill: Apes Gotta Eat.


We anticipate that the ApeCoin DAO will receive ongoing revenue from capturing around 77.5% of the fees generated from user activity on ApeChain. As such, ensuring the chain’s success should be a top priority of the DAO.

Additionally, the chain’s growth will offer other valuable opportunities for the DAO, including but not limited to airdrop negotiations, bridge liquidity with associated fee capture, and increased utility for $APE.

(1) User Incentives Initiative for ApeChain

The User Incentives Initiative will provide a pool of rewards for users of ApeChain. This initiative will focus on growing the ApeChain ecosystem by educating and encouraging users to try out different dApps, with the goal of a larger proportion of rewards being allocated to dApps that most strongly contribute to the sustainable growth of ApeChain. This initiative will also focus on indirectly growing the ApeChain ecosystem by incentivizing the creation of dApps, community intellectual property, and other content on ApeChain.

The initiative will be overseen by the Advisory Committee with support from the Program Facilitator and Strategic Accounts Manager. The responsibilities of the Advisory Committee include:

  • Negotiating the size and methods of distribution of incentives through dApps.
  • Creating and managing user incentive analytics, such as growth and adoption metrics, to measure the benefits of the incentives
  • Identifying industry leading incentive distribution methods and implementing them on ApeChain.
(2) The Commercial Agreements Initiative for ApeChain

The Commercial Agreements Initiative will facilitate the seamless creation of bespoke commercial agreements with companies and individuals that want to utilize ApeChain. The Advisory Committee may also leverage the User Incentives Initiative to optimize the terms of the commercial agreements. This initiative will be overseen by the Advisory Committee, with day-to-day support from the Program Facilitator and Strategic Accounts Manager. The responsibilities of the Advisory Committee in overseeing the Commercial Agreements Program include:

  • Reviewing Proposals: reviewing proposals for commercial agreements submitted by applicants, including the potential for value accrual for the ApeCoin DAO.
  • Assessing Alignment with Ecosystem Growth Strategy: Beyond purely economic analysis, evaluating whether the proposed commercial agreements align with the mission, strategy, and values of ApeChain and the ApeCoin DAO. They may only endorse partnerships or collaborations that benefit the ApeCoin DAO and advance its objectives.
  • Financial Analysis: analyzing the financial aspects of proposed commercial agreements, including:
    • Potential for value accrual
    • Costs
    • Profitability
    • Sustainability
  • Risk Assessment: Conducting risk assessments of each proposed commercial agreement. This involves evaluating potential risks and benefits, assessing financial implications, legal considerations, reputational risks, and any other factors that may impact ApeChain.
  • Due Diligence: Performing due diligence on potential partners or collaborators to ensure their credibility, reliability, and suitability for the proposed commercial agreement. This may include background checks, financial analysis, and assessment of past performance.
  • Legal Review: In collaboration with legal counsel, reviewing proposed commercial agreements under applicable laws, regulations, and policies.
  • Decision Making: Based on their evaluations and assessments, recommending which commercial agreements to enter, which are subject to veto by the Special Council of the APE Foundation.
  • Monitoring and Oversight: Once commercial agreements are approved and implemented, providing ongoing monitoring and oversight to monitor compliance with agreed-upon terms and objectives. The Advisory Committee may periodically review performance metrics, financial reports, and other relevant information to assess the effectiveness and impact of the agreements.
  • Reporting: The Advisory Committee charter will be made public, and each quarter there will be a transparency report disclosing the total amount allocated that quarter, and outlining which commercial agreements have been made (but not the specific terms of each agreement), subject to any duties of confidentiality negotiated with the counterparty in the commercial contract.


Total: 100 Million ApeCoin with target allocations to the following initiatives:

User Incentives Initiative: 23 Million APE in total
Commercial Agreements Initiative: 73 Million APE in total
Administrative Budget: 2 Million APE per year, to be paid Quarterly

  • Advisory Committee: up to 1,250,000 APE
  • Program Facilitator (including all team members): up to 300,000 APE
  • Strategic Accounts Manager (including all team members): up to 450,000 APE

The Program Facilitator and Strategic Accounts Manager will rely on additional team members and resources at their respective companies to perform all of their responsibilities as needed, staying within the Administrative Budget allocated above, with any changes subject to Special Council approval.

The administrative budget is also meant to cover any incidental costs related to the management of the program, including compensation for the Regional Community Advisors. The administrative budget is currently estimated at 2% of the total budget annually and should not exceed 3%. Note that this administrative budget is an estimate, and may be higher or lower depending on the number of Advisory Committee members.

The compensation paid to each eligible Advisory Committee member will be based on their experience and skillset. However, in all cases, the total amount paid to any individual Advisory Committee member will not exceed 250,000 APE per-year, and all compensation will be subject to a 50% one-year lockup.

Specifically Approved Limitations:
  • Yuga Labs may not receive any funds from the Banana Program, whether under the Commercial Agreements Initiative or the User Incentives Initiative
  • Any person that is a Yuga Labs or Animoca employee, or any project or business owned by such person, may not receive compensation as a member of the Advisory Committee, as a Program Facilitator, or as a Strategic Accounts Manager.
  • Any person, or any project or business owned by such person, who is a member of the Special Council, Advisory Committee, a Program Facilitator, or a Strategic Accounts Manager may not receive any funding under the Commercial Agreements Initiative or the User Incentives Initiative, unless such potential conflict is disclosed to the Advisory Committee and such person recuses him or herself from any decision making.
Any Advisory Committee member already receiving compensation from the APE Foundation may not receive the compensation listed here. For example, any Special Council member on the Advisory Committee will not receive the compensation otherwise intended for an Advisory Committee member.
Specifically Approved Terms:
  • 100,000,000 APE to be used for the Banana Program, provided:
    • Up to 65,000,000 APE may be allocated under the Commercial Agreements Initiative in Year 1
    • Up to 23,000,000 APE may be allocated under the User Incentives Initiative in total, and no more than 73,000,000 APE may be allocated under the Commercial Agreements Initiative in total, unless the Special Council approves such adjustment
  • Two year term for the Banana Program, such that any APE not allocated under the Commercial Agreements Initiative or the Users Incentives Initiative by the end of the term will be returned to the ApeCoin DAO treasury
  • Approval to spend no more than 3,000,000 APE per year on administrative expenses, including but not limited to, payments to Advisory Committee members, any Program Facilitator, any Strategic Accounts Manager, or any other consultant or advisor providing services to support the Banana Program, legal and business costs and expenses, and other similar costs or expenses.
  • The Advisory Committee to oversee the Banana Program based on its Charter (see below) and for the Special Council to oversee the Banana Program and Advisory Committee based on the Banana Program Rules (see below)
  • The people identified above (acting in their individual capacity) will initially make up the Advisory Committee, the Program Facilitator, and the Strategic Accounts Managers, as identified above.
  • The Special Council may appoint up to two more Advisory Committee members in accordance with the Banana Program Rules (see below) so that the total number of Advisory Committee members will not exceed 7.
  • All funds allocated under the Banana Program must be affirmatively endorsed by a majority of the Advisory Committee (e.g. 3 of 5, 4 of 6 or 4 of 7) and must not be vetoed by the Special Council.
Specific Requirements of Approval:
  • Within 30 days of the Banana Bill passing:
    • The Advisory Committee will submit for the Special Council’s approval its “Charter”, which outlines its decision-making process and standards, which will at a minimum require that a majority of the Advisory Committee approve making an endorsement under the User Incentive Initiative or Commercial Agreement Initiative
    • The Special Council will publish the Banana Program Rules for (i) adding or replacing members of the Advisory Committee, (ii) vetoing an Advisory Committee recommendation, with the intent to veto only in limited, objective circumstances, and (iii) replacing the Strategic Accounts Manager or Program Facilitator, which will only be initiated upon the recommendation of the Advisory Committee.
  • Each quarter during the two year term, subject to confidentiality obligations, a transparency report will be published identifying at a minimum (i) the amount of APE allocated under the Commercial Agreements Initiative and User Incentives Initiative during the prior six months, and (ii) the number of commercial agreements entered into in the prior six months, along with the names of the counterparties.
  • The APE Foundation, upon advice of legal counsel, may structure the execution of the Banana Program as advisable or necessary under applicable law.


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-454-the-banana-bill-apes-gotta-eat/24367

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2M votes
3 months ago

ApeCoin DAO – Governance Working Group Steward Elections - Term Beginning July 2024


The election process for the ApeCoin Governance Working Group Stewards was established across AIP-239, AIP-347, and AIP-412, which outline the process for an equal and fair opportunity to be elected as a Governance Working Group Steward. In this vote, the top 2 candidates will be elected as Stewards of the Governance Working Group. The term shall begin July 1, 2024, and will last for one (1) year.


Each Governance Working Group Steward shall receive compensation as stated in AIP-408, or $9,000.00 of ApeCoin equivalent each month for the length of the current Governance Working Group budget, which expires at the end of September 2024.

To request Working Group funds, Leads of each Working Group will submit Ecosystem Fund Allocation Proposals, as defined in AIP-1 Proposing the DAO (‘Ecosystem Fund Allocation Proposal’) in the form of a Working Group Budget Proposal within the final 15 days (inclusive) of the months of February and August each calendar year (each a ‘Funding Window’).


Listed in alphabetical order:

  • AllCityBAYC: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/allcitybayc-governance-wg-nomination-07-2024/23989/10
  • CryptoKev: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/cryptokev-governance-wg-nomination-07-2024/23992
  • Cryptosheep: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/cryptosheep-governance-wg-nomination-07-2024/23990/34
  • DeSmart: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/desmart-governance-wg-nomination-07-2024/23991
LINK TO THE NOMINATION ANNOUNCEMENT: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/elections-announcement-governance-working-group-nomination/23547

Link to AIP-239: Working Group Guidelines & The Governance Working Group Charter: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-239-working-group-guidelines-the-governance-working-group-charter/11462

Link to AIP-347: Enable DAO Wide Voting for Working Group Stewards https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-347-enable-dao-wide-voting-for-working-group-stewards/19259

Link to AIP-412: Streamingling Working Group Elections: Improved Second Round Voting Strategy https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-412-streamlining-working-group-elections-improved-second-round-voting-strategy/21502

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2M votes
3 months ago

ApeCoin DAO – Web3 Development Working Group Steward Elections - Term Beginning July 2024


The election process for the ApeCoin Web3 Development Working Group Stewards was established across AIP-239, AIP-347, and AIP-412, which outline the process for community members to apply for Steward of the Web3 Development Working Group. In this vote, the top 2 candidates will be elected as Stewards of the Web3 Development Working Group. The term shall begin July 1, 2024, and will last for one (1) year.


To request Working Group funds, Leads of each Working Group will submit Ecosystem Fund Allocation Proposals, as defined in AIP-1 Proposing the DAO (‘Ecosystem Fund Allocation Proposal’) in the form of a Working Group Budget Proposal within the final 15 days (inclusive) of the months of February and August each calendar year (each a ‘Funding Window’).


Listed in alphabetical order:

  • 0xboreddev: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/0xboreddev-web3-development-wg-nomination-07-2024/24007
  • 0xWebMoss: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/0xwebmoss-web3-development-wg-nomination-07-2024/24005
  • Grainz0x: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/grains0x-web3-development-wg-nomination-07-2024/24008
  • johnny: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/johnny-web3-development-wg-nomination-07-2024/24009
  • romantik: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/romantik-web3-development-wg-nomination-07-2024/24010
LINK TO THE NOMINATION ANNOUNCEMENT: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/elections-announcement-web3-development-working-group-nomination/23544

Link to AIP-376: Web3 Development Working Group Charter: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-376-working-group-charter-web3-development/20197

Link to AIP-347: Enable DAO Wide Voting for Working Group Stewards https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-347-enable-dao-wide-voting-for-working-group-stewards/19259

Link to AIP-412: Streamingling Working Group Elections: Improved Second Round Voting Strategy https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-412-streamlining-working-group-elections-improved-second-round-voting-strategy/21502

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2M votes
3 months ago

ApeCoin DAO – Marketing and Communications Working Group Steward Elections - Term Beginning July 2024


The election process for the ApeCoin Marketing and Communications Working Group Stewards was established across AIP-239, AIP-347, and AIP-412, which outline the process for community members to apply for Steward of the Marketing and Communications Working Group. These 5 candidates were selected from the conclusion of the nomination process. In this vote, the top candidate (1) will be elected as Steward of the Marketing and Communications Working Group. The term shall begin July 1, 2024, and will last for one (1) year.


To request Working Group funds, Leads of each Working Group will submit Ecosystem Fund Allocation Proposals, as defined in AIP-1 Proposing the DAO (‘Ecosystem Fund Allocation Proposal’) in the form of a Working Group Budget Proposal within the final 15 days (inclusive) of the months of February and August each calendar year (each a ‘Funding Window’).


Listed in alphabetical order:

  • Brazy: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/brazy-marketing-communications-wg-nomination-07-2024/23994
  • Hiisver: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/hiisver-marketing-communications-wg-nomination-07-2024/23996
  • shotgun.tobi: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/shotgun-tobi-marketing-communications-wg-nomination-07-2024/23999
  • Temuulen: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/temuulen-marketing-communications-wg-nomination-07-2024/23997
  • Yumi: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/yumi-marketing-communications-wg-nomination-07-2024/23995



Link to AIP-246: Marketing & Communications Working Group Charter: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-246-working-group-charter-marketing-communications/11837

Link to AIP-347: Enable DAO Wide Voting for Working Group Stewards https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-347-enable-dao-wide-voting-for-working-group-stewards/19259

Link to AIP-412: Streamingling Working Group Elections: Improved Second Round Voting Strategy https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-412-streamlining-working-group-elections-improved-second-round-voting-strategy/21502

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2M votes
3 months ago

ApeCoin DAO - Special Council Elections - Term Beginning July 2024


The election process for the ApeCoin DAO was established in AIP-138, which outlines the process for an equal and fair opportunity to be elected to the Special Council. These 5 candidates were selected from the conclusion of the nomination process. In this vote, the top 2 will be elected to the Special Council. The term shall begin July 1, 2024, and will last for one (1) year.


Each Special Council member shall receive compensation as stated in AIP-350, or $125,000 USD for the term.


Listed in alphabetical order:

  • AaronHaber: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aaronhaber-special-council-nomination-07-2024/23979
  • JasonJape: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/jasonjape-special-council-nomination-07-2024/23981
  • LeilaS: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/leilas-special-council-nomination-07-2024/23982
  • mo_ezz14: https: //forum.apecoin.com/t/mo-ezz14-special-council-nomination-07-2024/23984
  • Waabam: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/waabam-special-council-nomination-07-2024/23988



Link to AIP-426: Special Council Future Election Requirement and Role Clarification: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-426-special-council-future-election-requirement-and-role-clarification/23463

Link to AIP-350: Shaping Success: Building a Stronger Future with new Special Council Pay: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-350-shaping-success-building-a-stronger-future-with-new-special-council-pay/19265

Link to AIP-138: The Special Council Election Process: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-138-the-special-council-election-process/8850

Link to AIP-1: Proposing the DAO Process: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-1-proposing-the-dao-process/39

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2M votes
3 months ago

AIP-437: A Powerup for ApeChain: Blever - where NFTs & Social Farming meet  



As a team of very passionate ApeCoin DAO & Yuga community members, we want to play our part in the success of ApeChain. And we will not only support it, but even amplify it.

Introducing Blever, a cutting-edge web3 platform combining NFTs with social farming & incentivized content creation. The platform empowers teams to effortlessly bring their creations to life while enjoying unparalleled hype & attention. By leveraging social login and seamless FIAT payments, Blever provides easy access to ApeChain not only for experienced users but also for casual players and retail.

In addition to gaming, you also need fun, culture, memes, and PFPs to make ApeChain appealing and popular. Blever is designed to do just that.
We see ourselves as an extended community-driven business development arm. We search for projects, support their launch, and bring them tremendous reach and engagement through social farming. Everyone wins!

With $APE being the native gas token of ApeChain we believe that bringing users/traffic/projects to the chain is probably the single most important thing the DAO can focus on in the near future.

Driving demand for ApeChain = Driving demand for $APE

Easy access to ApeChain → more users on ApeChain → more demand for $APE
Incentives on ApeChain → more users on ApeChain → more demand for $APE
More use cases on ApeChain → more use cases for $APE
ApeChain hype → $APE hype

This is our biggest opportunity and we want to do everything we can with Blever to make the most of it.

Having already invested more than 2 months of our time and resources, we are now looking for funding from the DAO to help us achieve our goal. Let’s make ApeChain a success together

img2 img3


ApeChain needs builders, users, fun & culture.

We aim to become an ApeChain launch partner.

Consider us to be an external business development arm for ApeChain.
Via our platform, we will onboard creators, users, culture & fun to ApeChain.
We have already started with outreach to various brands and projects + we have existing/confirmed partnerships as well.

Maximizing reach & engagement for projects that launch on ApeChain: easy access to social farming & incentivized content creation will ensure that they get the hype and attention they deserve.

Easy ApeChain onboarding with Social Login & FIAT payments

  • Social Login will allow casual gamers & retail to sign up by using their traditional login methods (such as Google, X, Meta, etc.) - no wallet needed.
  • FIAT payments will allow them to pay by Credit Card or other common payment methods.
  • No gas fees - we will cover them on their behalf.

This combination will enable the simplest, fastest, and smoothest onboarding process for new users! No wallet, no crypto needed - a seamless web2.5 experience for everyone ; )

Powered by Ape(Chain) branding - permanently placed in our footer for 1 year.

Joint marketing efforts via our points system: we already had initial conversations with ApeCoin DAO members. Imagine $APE & ApeChain all over your timeline ; )

Stackable multiplier for Apes and other partner collections like (Kodas, Mocaverse, and more) in all social farming campaigns. Making sure that our fam & frens have a headstart. $APE payments - all mints on ApeChain will have ApeCoin as their default currency, creating additional demand and utility.


“Total amount requested from the ApeCoin Ecosystem Fund = 185,000 $APE”

Cost Breakdown: Platform Design & Development: $115,000

  • UX/UI Design: $15,000
  • Front-end: $30,000
  • Back-end: $35,000
  • Smart Contract: $10,000
  • Social Farming Dashboard: $25,000

Marketing & Business Development & Operations: $85,000

  • Marketing & Community: $40,000
  • Biz Dev & Partnerships: $25,000
  • Operations & Miscellaneous: $20,000

Legal: $27,500

  • Legal policies: $20,000
  • Consultation Compliance & AML: $7,500

Note: Our team has borne all costs incurred to date - amounting to a total of approx. $40,000. This includes expenses for the company setup, hundreds of hours of work, third-party subscriptions, prototype designs, domain, logo, legal matters, and more.


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-437-a-powerup-for-apechain-blever-where-nfts-social-farming-meet/23733

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2M votes
3 months ago

AIP-413: Hire a Head of Network Development at the APE Foundation


This proposal aims to hire a Head of Network Development to help oversee matters within theAPE Foundation, supporting our community in achieving its strategic goals and ensuring operational excellence. The Head of Network Development will be responsible for supporting daily operations, facilitating strategic planning, coordinating community engagement, and representing the DAO in external affairs. Additionally, this role will be well-positioned to make recommendations for further improvements as needed. For clarity’s sake, this position does not equate to a chief executive officer or “leader”, but rather a critical support function for the APE Foundation and the DAO.

To optimize efficiency and create cost savings, this proposal also includes a proposed reduction in future Special Council members’ payments to offset the cost of this hire. The APE Foundation will be empowered to oversee the hiring process for this position, ensuring that all legal, tax, and other relevant considerations are thoroughly addressed and optimized. The Head of Network Development will serve at the pleasure of the Special Council, the DAO’s Advisory Board.


As ApeCoin DAO continues to expand, the need for ongoing, dedicated, and professional support at the APE Foundation has become increasingly evident. A Head of Network Development will offer essential oversight, strategic facilitation, and operational management, ensuring the ApeCoin DAO fulfills its mission efficiently and effectively. This role is vital for maintaining momentum, building community trust, and ensuring the long-term sustainability of the DAO. Additionally, this position will allow our Special Council to focus on their responsibilities as the Advisory Board they are intended to be.


USD $120,000 per annum paid in $APE. However, we will reduce Special Council member payments to offset this cost. Effectively makes this proposal zero additional cost to the DAO up to USD $125,000 once the reduction of the Special Council members payments kicks in (January 1, 2025).

APE Foundation could use its discretionary authority to go over USD $125,000 per annum if a competitive salary for this role is deemed necessary.


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-413-hire-a-head-of-network-development-at-the-ape-foundation/21580

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2M votes
3 months ago

AIP-432: ApeCoin Presents First Friday: Bridging Communities, Creativity, and Governance 


“ApeCoin Presents First Friday: Bridging Communities, Creativity, and Governance” encapsulates an unprecedented partnership that signifies more than ApeCoin becoming the presenting sponsor for First Friday events in Las Vegas. We have the opportunity to place ApeCoin at the heart of a cultural gathering that attracts 15,000-20,000 visitors on average, offering unparalleled exposure and the access to creative collaborations within a community rich in art and innovation. This is a six month deal that will run from July-December of 2024, the prime time for this event. We also will be given the opportunity to renew on a longer term basis after this initial six months is completed.

It heralds a holistic collaboration aimed at enhancing ApeCoin’s visibility and embedding it deeply within the local cultural and artistic milieu. This partnership is a strategic alliance, underscoring a commitment to support communities that resonate with creativity, innovation, and progressive governance. By integrating ApeCoin into these seminal community events, we’re not only expanding our reach but also aligning seamlessly with our core mission to foster an ecosystem where technology and creativity intersect harmoniously. “ApeCoin Presents First Friday” is set to celebrate the fusion of digital innovation with the arts, setting a precedent for the role of Web3 in cultural and community engagement.


This partnership extends beyond mere sponsorship, bringing multifaceted benefits to the ApeCoin ecosystem, the city of Las Vegas, and its governance framework:

Amplified Brand Exposure and Community Engagement: As the presenting sponsor, ApeCoin secures prime visibility across all First Friday communications, including official banners prominently displayed throughout the event, mentions in press releases, and a dedicated section on the First Friday website with a hyperlink to ApeCoin’s platform. This comprehensive exposure ensures ApeCoin’s presence is palpable, reaching an expansive audience of artists, enthusiasts, and city dwellers.

Dedicated Space for ApeCoin and Web3 Exploration: Perhaps the most significant advantage of this partnership is the allocation of a large, dedicated area at each First Friday event. This space will serve as the epicenter for presenting ApeCoin and its array of AIP-approved projects. It’s an opportunity to engage the community directly, showcase the practical applications of ApeCoin, and provide a tangible experience of the possibilities within the Web3 ecosystem. This space also allows us to bring in a swath of presenters, who can use our space to showcase their own aligned initiatives, whether that be web3 driven projects or local initiatives.

Strengthened City and Government Relations: The partnership positions ApeCoin as a cultural and economic contributor to Las Vegas, fostering positive engagements with local government and policy makers. This proactive involvement aims to solidify Web3’s role in the city’s future, advocating for a regulatory environment that champions digital innovation.

Foundation for Additional Local Partnerships: Engaging with First Friday opens the door to numerous collaborations within the Las Vegas community, from cultural institutions to technology innovators. These partnerships will be instrumental in solidifying ApeCoin’s presence and influence in the local ecosystem, driving broader acceptance and integration of Web3 technologies.

Catalyst for Web3-Friendly City Development: Beyond immediate brand visibility, this initiative embodies ApeCoin’s commitment to embedding digital currencies within the social and economic fabric of Las Vegas. By demonstrating the value of ApeCoin through community-centric events, we pave the way for Las Vegas to emerge as a beacon for blockchain and digital currencies, inspiring other cities to explore similar collaborations.

Exclusive Benefits as Presenting Sponsor: The array of exclusive benefits, including creative control over the dedicated area, input on featured content and activities, and the ability to highlight ApeCoin’s contributions to the Web3 community, underscores the strategic value of this partnership. It provides a dynamic platform for engaging with a diverse audience, educating them on the benefits of digital currencies, and showcasing the tangible impacts of ApeCoin and its projects on the local community.

In sum, “ApeCoin Presents First Friday” is a landmark initiative that transcends traditional sponsorship. It’s a comprehensive strategy aimed at fostering long-term engagement with the Las Vegas community, promoting the adoption of Web3 technologies, and establishing ApeCoin as a pivotal force in the cultural, economic, and governance landscapes of Las Vegas. Through this partnership, we envision a future where ApeCoin is integral to the city’s vibrant cultural scene, supported by a governance framework that embraces the transformative potential of digital currencies.

Sponsorship Details
As the Presenting Sponsor for First Friday, ApeCoin commits to a dynamic and multifaceted involvement, both in terms of what we provide and facilitate. This sponsorship is tailored to leverage ApeCoin’s unique position within the Web3 ecosystem, offering a blend of technological innovation and community engagement at one of Las Vegas’s most anticipated monthly cultural events. Here’s a detailed breakdown of our contributions and facilitations:

Dedicated Exhibition Space: ApeCoin will have access to three 10x10 spaces within the event premises, and a prime location at Boulder Plaza of a 30x60 space reserved for interactive activations. This large dedicated area will serve as a hub for showcasing ApeCoin and its other AIP-approved projects, allowing for immersive experiences that include AI NFT digital art collectibles and educational activities powered by ApeCoin.

Creative Collaborations: The space will be utilized to foster creative collaborations, highlighting the intersection of art and technology. It will feature installations and exhibitions from artists within the ApeCoin community, including those focused on digital and NFT art, providing a platform for these artists to gain exposure and engage with a wider audience. We have already had a great interest in these collaborations, so this proposal would allow us to capitalize on these opportunities.

Brand Visibility: As part of the sponsorship agreement, ApeCoin will be prominently featured on official banners and other event marketing materials. This includes the ApeCoin logo on the monthly event poster, displayed across various platforms, ensuring significant brand visibility. Additionally, three banners provided by the sponsor will be strategically placed throughout the event to maximize exposure. These banners may include QR codes to direct attendees to more information about ApeCoin and its ecosystem.

Website Affiliation: ApeCoin will be featured on the First Friday website with a hyperlink, facilitating easy access for event-goers interested in learning more about ApeCoin, its values, and its projects. This online presence will be complemented by a dedicated social media post on one of First Friday’s platforms each month, further enhancing ApeCoin’s visibility.

Media and Press Engagement: The sponsorship ensures ApeCoin a mention in First Friday’s press releases each month, amplifying our reach beyond the physical event to the broader public and media outlets. The presence of ApeCoin in Las Vegas will be difficult to overlook.

Photos and Videos: Leverage high-tier local production companies to capture professional-grade photos and videos of ApeCoin’s presence and activities during First Friday events. This content will be utilized to further boost ApeCoin’s marketing and community engagement efforts across all digital platforms, showcasing the vibrant interaction between ApeCoin, artists, and attendees.

Marketing Materials to Give Away: Produce and distribute a range of high-quality, visually appealing marketing materials such as brochures, flyers, posters, and ApeCoin-themed merchandise. These items will not only serve as a tangible reminder of the ApeCoin experience at First Friday but also as educational tools to foster a deeper understanding and interest in ApeCoin and the broader Web3 ecosystem.

Educational Materials and Workshops: Develop and offer comprehensive educational materials, including an educational video and printed resources curated with insights from ApeCoin experts. Host workshops and interactive sessions during the First Friday events to educate attendees on ApeCoin, blockchain technology, and the importance of digital currencies in the arts and beyond. These initiatives are designed to demystify ApeCoin for newcomers and enrich the understanding of existing enthusiasts.

Ability to Host Events Year-Round: Beyond the monthly First Friday events, leverage the partnership to host additional events, showcases, and activations throughout 2024. These events will not only maintain the momentum and engagement generated during First Friday but also strengthen ApeCoin’s ongoing relationship with the local community, artists, and city officials. Through year-round events, ApeCoin will solidify its presence and influence within the Las Vegas arts and cultural scene.

By aligning with First Friday, ApeCoin establishes a significant presence within the Las Vegas art community and pioneers the integration of digital innovation into cultural events. This partnership, enriched by comprehensive educational initiatives, engaging marketing materials, and the ability to host year-round events, showcases ApeCoin’s commitment to promoting Web3 technologies, fostering community engagement, and enhancing its ecosystem through the arts.


Total amount requested from the ApeCoin Ecosystem Fund = 225,000 APE

The budget for the “ApeCoin Presents First Friday” initiative is carefully crafted to ensure comprehensive coverage of all activities and engagements associated with the partnership, aiming for a high-quality execution. Below is a detailed breakdown of the estimated costs, reflecting the investment in making ApeCoin the presenting sponsor and enhancing its community engagement and visibility:

First Friday Presenting Sponsorship:
Cost: 60,000 APE
Six months presenting sponsorship fee for First Friday events, ensuring ApeCoin’s premium exposure and engagement in the vibrant Las Vegas arts community.

Events and Partnerships Manager:
Cost: 40,000 APE
Compensation for a dedicated manager to oversee and enhance the collaboration between ApeCoin and First Friday, including managing partnerships and event execution.

Additional Staffing for Events:
Cost: 18,000 APE
Additional personnel for event days, providing necessary support for setup, operations, and breakdown, ensuring each First Friday event runs seamlessly.

Marketing Material Funds:
Cost: 10,000 APE
Creation and dissemination of promotional and educational materials to effectively communicate ApeCoin’s value and mission at events.

First Friday Event Logistics:
Cost: 25,000 APE
Comprehensive logistical support including tents, stages, power supplies, sound systems, and more, to create an immersive and branded experience for event attendees.

Collaborations Fund:
Cost: 15,000 APE
Funds designated for initiating meaningful collaborations with artists, businesses, and educational initiatives within the Las Vegas community to deepen ApeCoin’s local engagement.

Digital Media Fund:
Cost: 30,000 APE
Significantly increased budget to support the production of high-quality digital content that showcases ApeCoin’s initiatives at First Friday, including videos, live streams, and interactive media for broader audience reach.

Social Media Fund:
Cost: 10,000 APE
Targeted social media campaigns to promote ApeCoin’s involvement in First Friday, driving awareness and engagement through platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

Event Technology Setup:
Cost: 5,000 APE
Setting up advanced digital displays and integrating ApeCoin payment technology to facilitate transactions at the events, showcasing the practical application of ApeCoin in real-world settings.

Miscellaneous and Contingency Costs:
Cost: 12,000 APE
A strategic reserve to cover unexpected expenses, ensuring the initiative can adapt to unforeseen challenges and capitalize on emergent opportunities throughout the year.


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-432-apecoin-presents-first-friday-bridging-communities-creativity-and-governance/23364

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2M votes
3 months ago

AIP-433: APE EXPRESS - Next Gen degen tools for building instantly on ApeChain 


Ape Express aims to launch the ultimate toolkit for a thriving memecoin ecosystem on ApeChain, empowering users with the tools they need to create, customize and deploy tokens on ApeChain.

With Ape Express no technical skills are needed for safe, unruggable launches. Configure and deploy your token with multiple features in seconds.

Streamlined liquidity management: borrow, deploy, and lock liquidity effortlessly. Developers can deploy an LP using borrowed capital, and launch a coin with a starting market cap of $15K while spending only $300 out of pocket. Liquidity loans can be automatically repaid from token taxes, liquidity, or manual payment.

In one place users can create their brand identity, deploy tokens, manage liquidity, build and engage their community. (Think Pump.fun on ApeChain, but way better and less trash. For instance, on Pump.fun tokens start with 1K MC, and never have a chance to reach a DEX. With our system, every launch makes it to the DEX of choice and encourages a free open market on ApeChain.)

Token creators will have an option and be encouraged to airdrop portion of their supply to the holders of the blue chip collections of Yuga ecosystem. BAYC/MAYC/BAKC, CryptoPunks, Kodas, Moonbirds and Mocaverse holders.

This will bring benefit to the holders of these collections and, at the same time, give the upcoming projects an opportunity to reach the high quality user bases that are the lifeblood of these collections.

All of these processes are streamlined in the dapp so that anyone can do it with a few clicks of a button.

This project aims to expand the ApeCoin ecosystem, increase token velocity, TVL and offer new opportunities for the builders in the ApeChain ecosystem.

None of the funds requested in this proposal will be spent on development or team salary. This proposal aims to bootstrap platform liquidity and the Ape Express marketing budget.

  1. Ape Express will give 10% of all gross revenue from platform fees back to the Apecoin DAO’s treasury.
  2. Onboarding memecoin degens from other chains and converting this liquidity into $APE.
  3. Boosting APE liquidity pairs: Ape Express encourages users to pair their tokens with $APE by automatically converting ETH, USDT, and other assets used on the platform into $APE. By locking APE in LPs we contribute to the overall TVL of the ApeChain.
  4. Amplifying on-chain activity: by facilitating fast and easy token creation and trading of memecoins, we drive overall transactions volume. Memecoin trading volume on Solana accounts for $1.2B daily, and over $120M in volume on Base chain. We drive transaction volume to the ApeChain native DEX.
  5. Enhancing APE token velocity: gas fees, liquidity loans, and buybacks will all utilize $APE.
  6. Backed by The Crypto is a Fun marketing engine. The apes you see above are some of the most prolific memecoin degens in web3. We have our fingers on the pulse of the space and can push our audience over to ApeChain. We run the #1 daily memecoin spaces on CT best believe we will promote ApeChain and Ape Express to the masses.
  7. With our novel liquidity loan system we will attract aspiring devs because of the low barrier to entry. They don’t need initial liquidity - they just need a dream and that dog in em


  1. Token creation
  2. Liquidity loans (initial LP)
  3. Option to airdrop portion of supply to BAYC/MAYC or other Yuga NFTs.
  4. Telegram trading bot - web-facing interface
  5. Liquidity lockers
  6. Airdrop multi sender
  7. Stake APE to earn platform-generated revenue
  8. Competitive leaderboard for hot pairs and contest
  9. Degen Analytic bots
  10. AI Website & brand builder


  • Smart contracts for deploying tokens
  • Smart contracts for lending liquidity & liquidity locker built-in
  • Smart contracts and mechanisms for clawing back lent out liquidity

We have created our own set of contracts which interact with each other, giving as much fluidity and flexibility to the system as possible. Users simply pay for token minting, which is dependent on how many features they are including in the token. This acts as initial revenue for the product to safeguard minor expenses with regard to the deploying costs(the user’s token and other related contracts per product deployed), and liquidity rounding errors from the lending activities.

There are several ways for users to repay the loans:

  • Direct payment: borrow 10,000 APE in liquidity, repay a direct 12,500 APE to receive ownership of LP tokens (albeit locked until the lock period is over)
  • Tax Tokens: borrow 10,000 APE in liquidity, and passively repay 12,500 APE as taxes are generated from the trading activity of the token. All taxes are diverted to repaying the loan until completed. The creator will then receive ownership of the LP, and release it to their creator’s address when the lock period is over.
  • Liquidity Threshold: borrow 10,000 APE in liquidity, and as the liquidity pool grows from net buying activity, a loan with interest is repaid via clawback. This means the user can select a 2x with a 25% interest to repay 12,500 APE when the liquidity pool contains at least 20,000 APE. This approach is generally regarded to be safest when a higher threshold is selected (as high as 5x is available). This process is an automated repayment method.

Another product is the liquidity locker. All created tokens are automatically opted into this feature with a minimum of 30 days, which begins when the loan is repaid in full. Tokens created outside the platform can also use this feature given they make a small payment in APE tokens. The lock period ranges from 30 days, 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year.

Finally, Ape Express will be equipped with a mass sender contract and UI. This is for any creator wanting to do an airdrop or presale distribution manually.

Ape Express’ GTM strategy will include a referral/discount coupon program, initially to be issued by team members. In addition, APE stakers (10k tokens staked and up) will be able to generate their own referral and discount codes customizable up to 20% referral/discount mix.

An incentive program will also be put into action if approved for a grant. The tokens with the most activity, measured by volume and holders, will be awarded APE tokens every week for the token’s creator/treasury. These metrics are reset every week to further incentivize only currently active projects or new projects to receive such rewards.

Although we cant stop people from creating NSFW tickers on a permissionless blockchain we will have measures on our backend to hide any racist, hateful or pornographic material from our leaderboards. We can control what is represented on our platform and we will carefully monitor this to make sure we are in line with Apecoin guidelines


Total amount requested from the ApeCoin Ecosystem Fund = 750,000 APE.

Use of funds Breakdown:

  • 400K - Reserve for liquidity loans
  • 350K - Marketing and onboarding activity incentives for Ape Express and ApeChain
    • Contests
    • Giveaways (SAF spaces, raffles)
    • Quests
    • Create educational tutorials
    • Video content creation
    • IRL marketing
    • Ads online (explorers, scanners, tg bots etc)
    • KOL activations
    • Gorilla marketing
    • PR
  1. Contests
  • Description: Organizing contests to engage users and increase participation on ApeChain
  • Budget Allocation: 30,000 APE
  • Timeline: Q2-Q4 2024
  • Details:
    • Monthly contests with varying themes.
    • Prizes to include APE , merchandise, and nft prizes
  1. Giveaways (SAF spaces, raffles)
  • Description: Hosting giveaways and raffles to attract and retain users.
  • Budget Allocation: 35,000 APE
  • Timeline: daily and weekly throughout 2024
  • Details:
    • Weekly raffles and special event giveaways.
    • SAF spaces to include exclusive content and benefits.
  1. Quests
  • Description: Creating quests that users can complete for rewards.
  • Budget Allocation: 30,000 APE
  • Timeline: Q3-Q4 2024
  • Details:
    • Gamified experiences to encourage user engagement.
    • Rewards to include tokens and unique NFTs.
  1. Create Educational Tutorials
  • Description: Developing tutorials to educate users about ApeChain and Ape Express
  • Budget Allocation: 20,000 APE
  • Timeline: Q2-Q4 2024
  • Details:
    • Video tutorials, blog posts, and step-by-step guides.
    • Focus on onboarding and ecosystem navigation.
  1. Video Content Creation
  • Description: Producing high-quality video content to promote ApeChain and Ape Express
  • Budget Allocation: 25,000 APE
  • Timeline: Q2-Q4 2024
  • Details:
    • Promotional videos, user testimonials, and educational series.
    • Regular content updates and new releases.
  1. IRL Marketing
  • Description: Real-life marketing activities to build brand presence.
  • Budget Allocation: 50,000 APE
  • Timeline: Q2-Q4 2024
  • Details:
    • Sponsoring events, setting up booths, and distributing flyers and merch encouraging builders to deploy on ApeChain
    • Collaborations with other projects with synergies and influencers.
  1. Ads Online (explorers, scanners, tg bots, etc.)
  • Description: Running online ads on various platforms.
  • Budget Allocation: 60,000 APE
  • Timeline: Q2-Q4 2024
  • Details:
    • Targeted ads on explorers, scanners, Telegram bots, and other relevant platforms.
    • Performance tracking and optimization.
  1. KOL Activations
  • Description: Engaging Key Opinion Leaders to promote ApeChain.
  • Budget Allocation: 55,000 APE
  • Timeline: Q2-Q4 2024
  • Details:
    • Collaborations with industry influencers.
    • Sponsored content and endorsements.
  1. Gorilla Marketing
  • Description: Creative and unconventional marketing strategies.
  • Budget Allocation: 20,000 APE
  • Timeline: Q3-Q4 2024
  • Details:
    • Viral marketing stunts, Shillers, callers and growth hacking methods
    • Focus on creating buzz and awareness and fomo
  1. PR
  • Description: Public relations activities to enhance brand image.
  • Budget Allocation: 25,000 APE
  • Timeline: Q2-Q4 2024
  • Details:
    • Press releases, media partnerships, and interviews.
    • Crisis management and reputation building.

Projected Timeline

  • Q2 2024: Launch educational tutorials, contests, and KOL activations.
  • Q3 2024: Roll out quests, IRL marketing, and gorilla marketing.
  • Q4 2024: Continue all ongoing activities and evaluate overall impact.

This plan outlines a comprehensive approach to utilizing the 350,000 APE marketing budget effectively across various channels and activities, ensuring a steady growth and engagement within ApeChain ecosystem throughout the year.


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-433-ape-express-next-gen-degen-tools-for-building-instantly-on-apechain/23615

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2M votes
3 months ago

AIP-429: Apechain for Good: Happy Ape Phygital Children’s Book/Plush 


This proposal aims to promote Apes, Mutants, and ApeCoin to a Web2 audience of millions of Millennials and Gen Z  The Happy Ape, an official MBA #00349, is a premium brand that aims to foster a culture of kindness, compassion and positive mental health in our future generations. This AIP would directly fund the creation of The Happy Ape children’s book and plush, nfc tags, and dapp development on ApeChain creating a unique digi-physical web3 experience for both kids and adults. I believe in the future of ApeCoin and am proudly offering a 20% gross revenue back to the dao based on the initial products sold. With the development of AIP-378 I will use ApeChain and $Ape to create innovative solutions, and integrate them into the products. Bored Labs, LLC. will take on the majority of work that is required, reducing costs needed from the dao and includes but is not limited to, e-commerce site creation thehappyape.io, add $Ape as an accepted payment for our products, develop the majority of ApeChain dapp work, and nfc configuration. All development will be open source and will be fully audited, ideally by boring security dao or in cooperation with Horizen Labs. (edited)

What makes any of this special? Our children’s book will be one of the very first web3 books that can not only teach children and parents about the power of the blockchain, but also onboard them as well using ApeChain. The book is fully written and authored by myself. Here is a quick summary of the book below, or skip it for the juicy tech.


“The Happy Ape and his friend journey on a daily adventure, gathering bananas amidst the vibrant jungle. Their routine centers around a central tree housing a precious book where their banana counts are meticulously tallied and stored. When theft of the only book shatters their dreams, The Happy Ape crafts a magical book, uniting the jungle’s apes in trust. With every ape receiving a copy of the newfound magical book, no one could lie, steal or cheat because all books have to agree. All of the ape’s lives changed for the better, The Happy Ape and his friend finally could purchase the coveted bouncy ball, playing happily ever after together.”

Such an amazing story isn’t it, how can it get any better? I plan on integrating an nfc tag into every book. Thus delivering a digi-physical experience allowing the user to scan the tag with a compatible mobile device and instantly mint a digital version of their book. This will be a seamless cost free user interaction all powered by our ApeChain (kudos Horizen Labs). In order to do all of this I plan on partnering with IYK, a premier supplier of nfc tags in the web3 space. Their mobile app will allow easy access to our digi-physical experience. This requires the development of smart contracts and a dapp on ApeChain. The development will be achieved through Bored Labs, LLC., and will be open source. I believe that open source development leads to better community adoption, security, and transparency. I have many plans for the evolution of our digi-physical experience as well. IYK allows for OTA updates, easy updates to modules introducing the user to new features like unique stories, animations and more. In addition to this experience I will also have an e-commerce site with the ability to purchase the products with $Ape.

To ensure an unforgettable and joyful experience, I have designed with meticulous attention to detail, a special Happy Ape plush, ensuring they become cherished friends for all. This plush will be approximately 15’’ in length and 6’’ wide. Many plushies are small and not even comfy. Our design ensures a warm, soft, and comfy embrace. The Happy Ape is sure to be a loving companion for so many around the world.


Digitizing Items

  • Permanently link a 1:1 NFT to a physical Item (shown above irl test)
  • Independently deploy Chips without any knowledge of code
  • Schedule campaigns according to specific groups of Items
  • Configure your digital experience using IYK Modules

So…“Who are you entrusting valuable DAO funds to, you may wonder, and what qualifies me for it?”

Let me start off by introducing myself. My name is Kevin, I’m 37 and I’m married with 3 kids. 8 yo girl, 6 yo boy, 2 yo girl. I’m a software architect and I’ve been in the web3 space for a few years. I have run a successful software company, Bored Labs, LLC., for 3 years now. I have bookshelves full of children’s books and bags full of plushies. The amount of time I’ve spent reading to my kids and playing with plushies is measured in years! I believe in the power of community and helping others which is why I am here. My passion to share kindness and love back into the world while helping others is what motivates me to do this. I want to provide value back to the various communities connected to apecoin and help them grow as well. I hope that through future collaborations I can work with other communities like bulls on the block and mocaverse to continue creating positive and inspirational children’s books along with animated videos. I believe this is a small stepping stone that will lead to a much larger goal of combining web3 ip use to bring people together.

I added a budget for marketing that will help ensure reach and the success of my brand. Half of the marketing budget will be given back to the buyers of my products. A simple marketing strategy i’ll rely on will be asking product buyers to post images of themselves with my products and reward them with $APE. The other half will be reserved for various marketing efforts as needed.


 Most importantly ApeCoin DAO will be supporting and empowering our future generations through a unique onboarding digi-physical experience that will help amplify innovative solutions on ApeChain. This AIP will help promote the use and growth of ApeChain and $APE by building one of the first dapps that will help onboard many new users and introduce them to ApeCoin. The Happy Ape products aim to give more visibility to the ApeCoin community in a positive light. We will also be reaching a new audience that we haven’t explored much of. Our products support kindness, compassion, and positive mental health which is something we could all use more of.

We’re offering 20% gross revenue back to the DAO to show gratitude and continued support back to the community. (Detailed under our Overall Cost)

As a result of this proposal, IYK has promised that they would add ApeChain as a supported chain to their application.

This would allow anyone using IYK to use ApeChain as their selected chain to mint nfts on. It would help guide the development and use of digi-physical experiences on ApeChain, and directly fund code that is open source leading to better security and adoption starting within our community. We need a better way for fast adoption of ApeCoin.

I will ensure resources like artists/animators are from the ApeCoin community. With many more future books and animated videos I plan to collaborate with more ApeCoin communities. I promise to innovate new ways of incorporating ApeChain and $Ape into our future products as this is just a stepping stone for us. It’s important that we continue development around ApeChain and $APE. I would be honored to have ApeCoin DAO help us cultivate positivity into many lives of our next generation around the world.


Total amount requested from the ApeCoin Ecosystem Fund = $135,460

Plush 5,000 count - $40,756
Children’s Book 5,000 - $43,704
Illustrations - $6,000
NFC Tags 10000 - $10,000
DApp - $15,000
Marketing - $20,000
 Total Funding: $135,460

Estimated Gross Rev Return Min
 Book: 5,000 * 15 = 75,000 * 20% = $15,000 usd
 Plush: 5,000 * 20 = 100,000 * 20% = $20,000 usd
 Total Rev Share Return: $35,000 usd   Max
 Book: 5,000 * 20 = 100,000 * 20% = $20,000 usd
 Plush: 5,000 * 30 = 150,000 * 20% = $30,000 usd
 Total Rev Share Return: $50,000 usd


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-429-apechain-for-good-happy-ape-phygital-childrens-book-plush/23462

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2M votes
3 months ago

AIP-416: MAGA - Make Apes Great Again


This proposal aims to promote Apes, Mutants, and ApeCoin to a Web2 audience of millions of Millennials and Gen Z consumers via extremely popular and influential social media personalities on Instagram, Tik Tok, and Youtuber. The goal is to create awareness within the normies and introduce them to the Bored Ape Yacht Club as the best club in the world despite not having a club or any yachts, and that ApeCoin is the future of finance that will lead to financial freedom despite not having any utility or real world use cases.

By Achieving this goal we hope to increase demand for Apes and get hundreds or maybe even thousands of normies to come buy our bags. If we can convince them into truly believing that Apes, Mutants, and ApeCoin are cool, we hope they will buy them to be a part of this great community with no interest of ever selling for a profit, resulting in an increased holder count. This can potentially get Apes out of the hands of Blur farmers and traders who only buy Apes to flip them for a 0.01 eth profit (or loss). MAGA - Make Apes Great Again


Increased holder count… This may or may not bring in a few thousand new ApeCoin bag holders. New community members and DAO participants… We may or may not get a few thousand new plebs to complain about how down bad they are.

More hate and ridicule… We may get a bunch of people to make fun of and talk bad about Apes. But there’s no such thing as bad publicity right? Whether the things they say are good or bad they will be talking about us.

The idea is to convince the normies that Apes are cool and they need to be like us. To make them realize that the Bored Ape Yacht Club is the best club in the world and they need to join this club asap before they can no longer afford to join.

The only way to find out if it works is to FAFO. The more we FA, the more we FO. If we don’t FA, we’ll never FO.


The one benefit I can guarantee for sure is that 1000 community members will get to claim a free Twisted Ape Treasure Chest. I have 1000 of these Treasure Chests in stock and ready to ship. They are currently priced at 69 $APE, but if this AIP is approved, I will make them a free claim to the first 1000 wallets that vote on this AIP, regardless whether they vote yes or no.

We will also include delegated voters. If you delegate your votes to another wallet or are part of a sub community that votes separately such as Surreal or Mocaverse, our dev team will get all your wallet addresses from the snapshot and include you in the free claim.

I will post the winners of these Chests here on the forum as well as on X and Discord. I will ensure everyone finds out about it by making public announcements on as many Twitter spaces as I can get on. We will not request any personal information directly, however the claim will be made on our Shopify website with the standard checkout process similar to every other ecommerce store on Shopify. So mailing addresses will be as safe as they usually are as with any other order users place online.

If there are less than 1000 voters and delegates and we have some leftover Treasure Chests, then we will make them available for free to all ApeCoin holders via a random raffle system.





Learn more about Twisted Ape at TwistedApe.xyz


69,420 $APE

The entire 69,420 $APE will be used to create content and hire influencers to make Apes and ApeCoin go viral on social media.

We will allocate an average of 10,000-12,000 $APE per month, for approximately 6 consecutive months, until all the funds have been depleted.


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-416-maga-make-apes-great-again/22804

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2M votes
3 months ago

ApeCoin DAO – Special Council Nominees - Term Beginning July 1, 2024


The nomination process for the ApeCoin DAO was established by AIP-137, which outlines a process for community members to apply for the Special Council. Applicants put themselves forward and nomination profiles were posted on Discourse for community discussion. Now it is time to vote for the 5 candidates who will move to the Special Council election vote that will take place Jun 13 - 19 2024




Alphabetical Order

  • @AaronHaber - https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aaronhaber-special-council-nomination-07-2024/23979
  • @ernestlee - https://forum.apecoin.com/t/ernestlee-special-council-nomination-07-2024/23980
  • @JasonJape - https://forum.apecoin.com/t/jasonjape-special-council-nomination-07-2024/23981
  • @LeilaS - https://forum.apecoin.com/t/leilas-special-council-nomination-07-2024/23982
  • @mo_ezz14 - https://forum.apecoin.com/t/mo-ezz14-special-council-nomination-07-2024/23984
  • @Moonlyght - https://forum.apecoin.com/t/moonlyght-special-council-nomination-07-2024/23983
  • @pieter - https://forum.apecoin.com/t/pieter-special-council-nomination-07-2024/23985
  • @TheFatherOfAllStorms - https://forum.apecoin.com/t/thefatherofallstorms-special-council-nomination-07-2024/23986
  • @VonFrontin - https://forum.apecoin.com/t/vonfrontin-special-council-nomination-07-2024/23987
  • @Waabam - https://forum.apecoin.com/t/waabam-special-council-nomination-07-2024/23988

Link to the Nomination Announcement: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/election-announcement-special-council-nominations/23543

Link to the Nomination Profiles: https://forum.apecoin.com/c/special-council-elections/30

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2M votes
3 months ago

AIP-412: Streamlining Working Group Elections: Improved Second-Round Voting Strategy 


This no-cost proposal provides a solution for an element of second-round voting during ApeCoin DAO Working Group elections that currently restricts voters to selecting only one candidate when multiple seats for the same positions are being filled.

To fix this, we propose changing the Snapshot Strategy to weighted voting, which enables the option to distribute voting power among each of the candidates you wish to see elected.

It is important to note that we are already using this method of voting in the first-round of Working Group elections. Furthermore, under this format should you favour our existing second-round standard of single-choice voting, you can still concentrate all of your voting power on one candidate. We’re simply offering an alternative for those who wish to have a broader influence across all positions being filled.

Examples of other DAOs that utilize options to help voters to select more than one candidate when multiple seats are being filled include Arbitrum, ENS, and Optimism.

  1. Improved Voter Representation and Accuracy: Under our current second-round voting format, election results do not accurately represent the community’s preferences when filling multiple seats for the same role. Instead, they reflect the community’s favourite, accounting for only one seat.

  2. Stronger leadership teams: By obtaining more accurate election results, our Working Groups will be formed more deliberately, empowering the community to have a greater say in selecting the best candidates for the job.

  3. Enhanced governance integrity: Elections and voting mechanics are polarizing, intricate components of any governance-operated entity. Yet, by pursuing changes in logical, fair, and meaningful ways, the sentiment within the ApeCoin DAO community toward these processes will be strengthened.

  4. Preserving choice while maintaining traditional voting preferences: By shifting to a flexible voting strategy, we can provide options to voters while still maintaining the ability to select only one candidate, ensuring that members who prefer that method can still participate according to their preferences.

  5. Promoting inclusivity and increasing opportunities for candidates: Weighted voting in the final round of elections will enable voters to more easily endorse multiple candidates with diverse perspectives simultaneously. This system may also amplify opportunities for qualified candidates who typically need expansive networks to obtain meaningful positions within the ApeCoin DAO Working Group structure.


There is no cost to implement this proposal.


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-412-streamlining-working-group-elections-improved-second-round-voting-strategy/21502

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2M votes
4 months ago

AIP-419: Expansion of ApeChain Presence in Key Asian Events 



This proposal seeks to extend the success of ApeCoin’s participation in WebX2024 by strategically leveraging our presence in the Asian blockchain market. Building upon the WebX sponsorship, we aim to enhance the visibility and adoption of ApeChain within the Asian blockchain communities through a comprehensive series of events, including IVS Crypto, Korea Blockchain Week, Token2049 Singapore, DAOTOKYO, ETHTOKYO, CoinFest Asia. These events will serve as pivotal platforms for showcasing ApeCoin’s innovations and fostering connections within the regional blockchain ecosystem.

img2 img3


Participating in these events will not only amplify ApeChain’s exposure but also strengthen our ties within the Asian blockchain communities. By strategically aligning with WebX’s vision and expanding our presence in key markets, we anticipate increased adoption of ApeChain and heightened engagement within the $APE ecosystem.


Total amount requested from the ApeCoin Ecosystem Fund: $2.1m USD in APE

  1. Sponsorship: $900,000
  2. Booth Production: $200,000
  3. Side Event: $450,000
  4. Staff Expenses: $120,000
  5. Marketing Materials: $330,000
  6. Flight Tickets: $100,000

All content produced can be transferred to the Ape Foundation, marketing and communication working group or any other initiative that the foundation requests for safe keeping.


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-419-expansion-of-apechain-presence-in-key-asian-events/23113

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2M votes
4 months ago

AIP-410: ApeCoin DAO Goes to Hollywood 


That’s what we’re aiming to create with ApeCoin.

We’re seeking funding to produce audiovisual content in both English AND Spanish, telling stories across various successful genres that resonate with a wide audience. In doing so, we’re not just looking to generate financial benefits for ApeCoin holders by tokenizing these rights; but it’ll also crack open a whole new market: the massive and untapped Spanish-speaking world.

And this project not only grants current worldwide ApeCoin holders (and thus ApeCoin DAO members) the right to a proportional share of the IPs and their future earnings, but it also opens up new possibilities for:

a)⁠ ⁠Creative professionals and spanish speaking audiences who hadn’t previously considered ApeCoin among their crypto options, who will now be exposed to it through the development and publishing of the IPs.

b)⁠ ⁠Current ApeCoin holders, who are encouraged to increase their holdings to boost their returns through this dual opportunity.

c)⁠ ⁠Furthermore, as all podcasts funded by this AIP will carry the ApeCoin brand, it naturally draws in new potential buyers, spotlighting mass-consumption content to push ApeCoin into the mainstream.

We expect that this move will expand the APE ecosystem to larger audiences interested in investing and Web3, thereby increasing its recognition and value for all.


TOTAL: $380,050 USD Budget of 4 IPs: img1

Budget of stand-alone APE and W3 weekly talk show: img2


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-410-apecoin-dao-goes-to-hollywood/22480

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2M votes
4 months ago

AIP-417: IP Ecosystem with CLIP Powered by ApeCoin 


img1 img2

The proposal aims to support the Community-Led IP ecosystem (CLIP), powered by ApeCoin, dedicated to empowering web3 creators, brands, and enthusiasts in the digital ownership landscape. CLIPStarter, our flagship platform, will serve as the innovation, fostering collaboration, and driving the commercialisation of NFT IP assets. Through crowdfunding for community projects, virtual exhibitions, collectibles, loyalty programs, and strategic partnerships, CLIP will pave the way for NFT IP to transcend mere collectibles and become powerful engines of commerce.

CLIP will be implemented based on ApeChain. While ApeChain is the infrastructure that scales $APE and support the growth of ApeCoin ecosystem, CLIP will become the IP licensing engineer on top of ApeChain and be among the first few dAPP on ApeChain with real business operations.

We will setup a dedicated APE Team to serve ApeCoin DAO and ApeChain:

  1. Identify opportunities with new brands and partners to collaborate with ApeCoin DAO and ApeChain
  2. Promote ApeCoin to all existing ecosystem partners to raise brand awareness and integrate ApeCoin into entertainment & lifestyle sectors such as movies, video games as skin, traits, characters, F&B, etc.
  3. Proactively develop high-end collectables with existing brand partners, exclusively for ApeCoin DAO members
  4. Develop pinnacle experience with brand partners, exclusively available to ApeCoin DAO members.
  5. Connect Made-By-Ape (MBA) products with sales channels and promote brand awareness for MBA builders.
  6. To encourage ApeCoin holders to migrate their $APE to ApeChain, our loyalty system shall provide a multiplier to our participants who holds $APE on ApeChain.
  7. A CLIP ecosystem grant will be setup to provide initial funds for qualified creators if they are willing to
    • Adopt ApeChain as the core blockchain infrastructure technology to their projects, and/or
    • include and promote ApeCoin in their projects (subject to ApeCoin DAO final approval);

Any projects receiving the CLIP ecosystem grant will have to contribute a certain percentage of their Net Revenue to the Ape Foundation
 This will be able to attract high quality projects, as well as strong Web3 communities such as Mocaverse, Pudgy Penguin, etc., to the CLIP and APE ecosystem.


CLIP will provide a platform for any builders to showcase and promote their IP and projects, fostering collaboration and driving innovation within the ApeCoin DAO ecosystem. By empowering creators and brands to leverage the power of NFTs, CLIP will attract new users and drive adoption of ApeCoin as a valuable digital asset. Additionally, by facilitating partnerships and collaborations, CLIP will enhance the visibility and credibility of ApeCoin DAO, positioning it as a hub for digital creativity and innovation. Since ApeCoin aims to be the leader of Web3, this platform powered by ApeCoin will help build IPs around it and make ApeCoin achieve its goals. This will also be a very powerful business applications running on ApeChain and help driving the growth of the ApeCoin ecosystem.

ApeCoin Foundation shall receive:

  • 50% of the Net Revenue generated by the APE Team
  • Branding Integration opportunities into all the CLIP’s featured projects that potentially will create millions of impressions, as a means to promote ApeCoin and ApeChain.
  • Revenue contributions from projects supported by the CLIP ecosystem grant.
  • 500 limited-edition branded collectables, licensed with Mocaverse NFT, will be distributed to ApeCoin DAO’s community members as exclusive rewards.
  • 500 limited-edition branded collectables licensed with BAYC NFT, will be distributed to ApeCoin DAO’s community members as exclusive rewards.
  • 50 conference tickets hosted by CLIP, providing ApeCoin DAO with opportunities to engage with industry leaders and stakeholders.
  • All these collectables and tickets will be distributed to the top 1,000 active ApeCoin DAO’s participants based on the CLIP’s loyalty system. Anyone holding $APE on ApeChain will receive a multiplier.

Total amount requested from the ApeCoin Ecosystem Fund: 2,750,000 ApeCoin



Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-417-ip-ecosystem-with-clip-powered-by-apecoin/22886

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2M votes
4 months ago

AIP-426: Special Council- Future election requirement and role clarification 


The Special Council of the APE Foundation, at the behest of the ApeCoin DAO members, acts as a liaison between the ApeCoin DAO members and the directors and officers of the APE Foundation. The Special Council exists to serve the vision of ApeCoin DAO.

To further shape the success of the role long-term, the following changes are proposed to be made:

  1. Clarify that the Special Council is an “Advisory Board’’ that serves an advisory function with no corporate decision-making power.
    • Rationale: Oftentimes there is quoted confusion in the community about what the Special Council is or is not. In practice, the Special Council is in fact an Advisory Board neither corporate officers nor management executives, and they should not be viewed as such. The Advisory Board should also not be misconstrued as the board of directors of the APE Foundation.
    • An effective advisory board member brings unique qualities to the table. Key qualities and characteristics that make an individual effective in this role: diverse knowledge base, proven familiarity and understanding of the ApeCoin DAO ecosystem, good judgment, thoughtfulness, communication skills, commitment, integrity, and team player abilities.
  2. Special Council nominees must have been discourse members for at least 6-months prior to the commencement of the term for which they are running and must have achieved a minimum of Trust Level 2 on discourse. For example, a nominee for the Special Council must have been a discourse member by June 30, 2024 if they are running for the January 1, 2025 term.
    • Rationale: The primary responsibility of Special Council members is to conduct administrative review of AIPs. Accordingly, it is important for the DAO that the individuals elected to the Special Council have a strong history of participation in the discourse and with AIPs.
  3. Removal of the weekly reports established by AIP-305.
    • Rationale: It was a good experiment, but the minimal engagement metrics of the reports has shown that they have not been an effective use of anyone’s time and efforts. Furthermore, such reports are not appropriate for advisory boards.

Implementing the proposed changes could yield several benefits for the ApeCoin DAO and its governance structure:

Clarity: Renaming the Special Council to the “Advisory Board” clarifies its role and that it is distinct from corporate management and decision-making. This clarity can help ApeCoin DAO members and better understand the purpose and function of the board, leading to more focused discussions and decision-making processes.

Fit and Focus: Requiring nominees to have a history of discourse participation and familiarity with AIPs ensures that Advisory Board members are properly suited to their roles. This can result in more informed discussions, better decision-making, and increased trust from the community.

Overall, these changes aim to optimize the Advisory Board’s role within the ApeCoin DAO, promoting long-term sustainability, and efficiency.


No ApeCoin requested from the treasury.


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-426-special-council-future-election-requirement-and-role-clarification/23463

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2M votes
4 months ago

AIP-397: NFT Launchpad Powered by $Ape! 


fungible tokens (NFTs), thereby enhancing the utility and adoption of $Ape as a token. Puffles, the project introduces a user-friendly, no-code tool for NFT creators to launch their collections on various blockchain networks effortlessly. With an emphasis on customization and support for multiple blockchain networks, Puffles empowers creativity and accessibility in the NFT space. The primary objective is to establish an NFT Launchpad utilizing $Ape as currency to mint NFTs on the ERC-20 network, providing creators with a seamless platform for minting, showcasing, and trading their NFTs. This endeavor reflects a commitment to fostering blockchain innovation and supporting artists and creators in the crypto community.


$Ape stands as a trailblazer in the NFT ecosystem, representing the very essence of NFTs at the forefront. Its journey has been fueled by the passionate Ape and NFT community. Consequently, it holds immense significance for $Ape to lead the way in the NFT realm, ensuring a system that not only enriches $Ape holders but also forges meaningful connections among NFT communities through this unique token.

The NFT Launchpad emerges as a great opportunity for projects to put life into their creations, minting NFTs with the $Ape rather than conventional tokens (recall the otherside mint?). This initiative promises to draw in a surge of transactions, infusing vibrancy into the network’s overall transactional activity. The resultant upswing will not only elevate the value of $Ape but also nurture the flourishing Apecoin ecosystem. Such utilization of $Ape extends beyond mere benefits for projects; it symbolizes $Ape’s emotional commitment as a direct, passionate contributor to the thriving NFT ecosystem."


Total amount requested from the ApeCoin Ecosystem Fund = $15,000 USD

Cost Breakdown:

  • Designing of the Whole Platform: 4k (Team of 2)
  • Development Cost for 3 Months: 6k (Team of 3)
  • Deployment and Testing Cost: 2k (Team of 2)
  • Audit: 3k Thank you for considering our grant application. We welcome the opportunity to discuss our proposal in further detail and provide any additional information you may require.


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-397-nft-launchpad-powered-by-ape/21555

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2M votes
4 months ago

AIP-415: Single Seat Nominees - A More Competitive Election Pool 


In the interest of concentrating the competitiveness of each election pool, this proposal would limit ApeCoin DAO election nominees to run for one single position per election cycle.


By ensuring that a nominee may only apply to run for a single position in a given election period, we would see greater selectivity by candidates as they opt for the position that plays to their greatest strengths. This has the effect of enriching the overall talent pool for each position, as well as reducing crucial administrative overhead.


This proposal costs zero ApeCoin.


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-415-single-seat-nominees-a-more-competitive-election-pool/22907

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2M votes
4 months ago

AIP-363: Unlocking $APE’ potential: Building a credit market with MYSO Finance 


Liquidation Loans (ZLLs). ZLLs are a novel DeFi primitive that allow (i) borrowers to borrow without liquidation risk and (ii) lenders to lend in underdeveloped credit markets with higher yield potential.

For DAOs, ZLLs are a powerful new tool to increase the utility of their native token and to enable them to use their reserves in a more productive and strategic way.

We propose the creation of a lending market for $APE, utilizing MYSO’s v2 protocol. This initiative can offer community members access to non-liquidatable loans, thereby enhancing the utility of the $APE token. If there is confidence in the continuous growth of $APE and a desire to offer more incentives to $APE token holders, establishing a non-liquidatable lending market is an effective way to achieve this objective.


By using above described convertible Zero-Liquidation Loan product, it is possible to::

  • Create credit markets for the $APE token without lengthy governance processes, oracle integrations, etc.
  • Lend treasury reserves in a more strategic way that creates value for the overall community.
  • Provide a unique borrowing experience to the ApeCoin’s community, without liquidation risk.
  • Reduce selling pressure for the $APE token and incentivize long-term holding.
  • Fully customize and control the loans one underwrites.
  • Signal high conviction on the $APE token and participate in a possible synthetic buyback strategy.

SPECIFICATIONS Using MYSO, it’s possible to offer fully customizable loan options to $APE token holders by simply setting up a lending vault and specifying the loan terms desired for lending.

For example, the grant recipient (i.e. Governance Working Group [GWG], see below) could set up a vault to lend out USDC (or any other token) and accept its native $APE token as collateral. The GWG can create multiple loan offers concurrently and define at which LTVs, tenors, and interest rates they’d feel comfortable lending. Updating/deleting these loan offers is also possible in a matter of minutes.

From a financial risk-reward perspective, the lender bears default risk that a loan may become undercollateralized and not be repaid. This resembles a deep in-the-money covered call strategy with a low delta. It’s worthwhile to mention that the risk premium is set by the GwG and can be hedged outside and independently of MYSO, if needed.

MYSO’s protocol fee starts at 0.1% and scales linearly to +0.4% for a loan with a duration of 1 year. To illustrate, the protocol fee for a loan with a 90 day tenor would therefore be at 0.2% of the collateral amount. Worthwhile to highlight that MYSO’s protocol fee is currently set at 0.00%.

MYSO v1 was deployed on Ethereum in January 2023. MYSO v2 was deployed on Mantle end of August 2023, on Ethereum end of September 2023 and on Arbitrum mid of October 2023. As of today, MYSO has a $1.25m TVL.

Other organizations that have successfully implemented MYSO’s lending protocol include:

  • Olympus DAO ($500k pilot project for a gOHM/DAI lending market)
  • Mantle (created a lending market for $MNT), Rocketpool (we launched the first RPL/rETH credit market for their community)
  • Pendle (seeded a lending market for PT-sDAI Token), IndexCoop (to seed a lending market dsETH)

$750,000 USD

In order to enable meaningful borrowing capacity, MYSO would recommend seeding $750k. It’s important to note that the GWG retains full control over their lender vault, as well as the credit markets and loans they underwrite. The GWG also has the flexibility to withdraw their funds at any time, excluding the portion currently being lent out, or add more funds to their lender vault if they wish to do so.


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-363-unlocking-ape-potential-building-a-credit-market-with-myso-finance/19712

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2M votes
4 months ago

AIP-408: Q2/Q3 2024 Governance Working Group Budget 


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French: Here Spanish: Here Japanese: Here Simplified Chinese: Here

On February 28th, the ApeCoin DAO Governance Working Group (GWG) successfully concluded its Q4-2023/Q1-2024 budget cycle, delivering key initiatives outlined in AIP-317.

Highlights include establishing an independent legal structure, website and governance dashboard development, community reward programs, election facilitation, and the completion of a 47-page treasury and economic sustainability study. AIP processing times were reduced to an average of 16.5 days in the final draft stage, and we came in significantly under budget which allowed us to extend what was initially planned as a 6-month budget to 7 months or more. In addition, we were able to allocate legal startup costs for both new Working Groups.

The primary objective of that cycle was to increase output and develop programs that would provide significantly more value to the ApeCoin community than what was written into our original charter — a goal accomplished. Now, we’re looking to strengthen the DAO from the ground up.

Starting in Q2 2024, the Governance Working Group will roll out three new pillars of what we’re referring to as GWGV3: Education and training resources for AIP authors and leadership teams, cross-community on-chain grants programs, and a delegate accelerator initiative being developed to increase voting participation.


Following extensive preparation and careful consideration, the Governance Working Group is excited to introduce a comprehensive, long-term strategy to empower the ApeCoin ecosystem by providing training and development solutions aimed at strengthening candidates going through our AIP process and, in turn, our proposal implementation success rate. This framework involves the launch of 14 education-based initiatives over the next 12 months, tailored specifically for the ApeCoin DAO. These initiatives will be developed and overseen by OpenCampus in collaboration with core members of NewCampus — a cutting-edge growth and leadership school serving some of the world’s fastest-growing organizations, boasting a client base of over 500 entities. Additionally, ForbesWeb3 will be joining us as a media and community growth partner to help put this program on the map and make ApeCoin DAO a premium destination for builders in Web3.

You can view the full APE_U program specifications here

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The Governance Working Group has also partnered with UMA to integrate their oSnap protocol for an initiative looking to explore cross-community small grant programs with the objective of extending our ecosystem into non-traditional communities. Additionally, the program will provide support for our current market, covering in-person events, NFT intellectual property propagation, professional service provider costs for ApeCoin-funded ventures, developers looking to build on ApeChain, and seed funding for early ideas.


This initiative aims to broaden ApeCoin DAO governance participation by incentivizing the formation of smaller voting delegations, matching funds of up to 50,000 APE through GWG-delegated wallets. We will also pair the initiative with the GWG x UMA On-Chain Small Grants Program and, in some cases, provide access in smaller amounts without requiring communities to match funds, allowing them to sample how our governance processes work with the objective of them joining on their own after access to our program ends. An educational program will be established to cover ApeCoin and ApeCoin DAO fundamentals, and delegated voting rights will cycle every two months to different communities. It is important to reinforce that at no point will these funds leave the GWG’s possession.

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  • Leveraging cross-community on-chain grants and our delegate accelerator, we will target communities that are currently not part of our ecosystem. Partnering with entities such as ForbesWeb3 and Open Campus, we dramatically expand our reach, offering exposure to our opportunities and the 14 programs being offered within the APE_U curriculum, which will also include an ApeCoinDAO onboarding series of professionally produced, co-branded four-minute videos offered in multiple languages.


  • By simplifying the process for grants under 8500 APE and establishing precise categories, we will empower the community by streamlining opportunities that the DAO has not been set up to do up to this point.


  • We will better-prepare authors for post-grant success with access to mentorships and training resources which encompass managerial essentials, futures thinking and opportunities for fast-tracked access to an Open Campus 6-week accelerator program designed to provide support and growth opportunities for education-focused startups. We are also exploring the possibility of introducing a rewards program to maintain strong course completion rates.


  • In collaboration with UMA, we are set to implement automated on-chain grant distribution for our small grants programs. This move is designed to reduce standardized administrative costs and enhance cost-effectiveness for the ApeCoin community. This methodology will also serve as an opportunity to present a proof-of-concept illustrating how allocating a portion of the DAOs treasury outside of Coinbase custody could bolster the long-term sustainability of our resources.


  • The GWG Delegate Accelerator will match APE for APE in small tiers, up to a maximum of 50k, to encourage the onboarding and establishment of qualifying groups and new communities committed to ApeCoin governance (voting) participation. The initiative will also serve as an optional collaborative program with our cross-community on-chain grants programs.
  • Importantly, within the program, no APE will leave the possession of the Governance Working Group. Instead, it will be delegated from our Gnosis Safe as a governance token, with the goal of rotating access among various communities for limited durations. This approach aims to facilitate better assimilation, ensuring recognition as meaningful ApeCoin DAO contributors without favouring particular onboarded groups. Additionally, existing delegations meeting program requirements may also qualify as participants.


  • By strengthening our ecosystem through training and education resources and amplifying our visibility by aligning with premium brands like ForbesWeb3 and Open Campus, we will instill an re-energized sense of pride within ApeCoin DAO community members and raise our standards for success among AIP authors, developing new heights in brand equity and reasons to build with ApeCoin, and on ApeChain.


  • As exciting as all of our new initiatives are, it is crucial to emphasize that the Governance Working Group will also remain devoted to providing continued AIP processing, Discourse facilitation, Special Council and Working Group election facilitation, community rewards programs, stakeholder engagement, support for other Working Groups, proposal development, and various all of the other additional day-to-day ApeCoin DAO operational needs. In fact, as our scope expands through various initiatives, we’re currently aiming to scale by adding members to the team, enhancing efficiency, and once again, increasing output. Quarterly and budget-end reporting will also be maintained.



img15 The total funding request for this budget is $1,271,900.00 denominated in APE. Of these funds, $668,000.00 will be either locked and delegated to the community as governance tokens or distributed back into the ecosystem via small grants and reward programs. Any surplus will be reported and rolled into the Q4/Q1 2024/25 Governance Working Group Operations Budget. Remaining funds from AIP-317, including repaid loans provided to the Metaverse and Marketing & Communications Working Groups for costs related to establishing their legal structures, will be reported and accounted for as discretionary funding to be used for, but not limited to, general contingency, new initiative development, community rewards, community grants, business and stakeholder development, and in-person ApeCoin DAO Working Group representation.

It should also be noted that 50% of the total funding allocated for our education and training initiatives will be withheld and only accessible to the service provider as delegated governance tokens from a GWG controlled wallet until the six-month mark of the projected twelve-month duration, pending a DAO-wide vote to determine the program’s continuation.

Outside of releasing funds and certain steps of the AIP facilitation process, the APE Foundation will not be required to participate in any other areas of the proposal’s scope.

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Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-408-q2-q3-2024-governance-working-group-budget/21345

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2M votes
4 months ago

AIP-411: ArtJourney with ApeCoin: The JRNY Gallery Experience 


We proudly present “ArtJourney with ApeCoin: The JRNY Gallery Experience,” a groundbreaking proposal that synergizes the dynamic realms of digital art and cryptocurrency. In partnership with the JRNY Gallery, a leading force in the NFT art scene and an enthusiastic promoter of the Web3 community, this initiative is designed to enhance the visibility and utility of ApeCoin. Founded by JRNY Crypto, a distinguished crypto expert and dedicated Ape holder, JRNY Gallery is a physical NFT Gallery situated in the heart of Downtown Las Vegas’ Arts District. This proposal aims to harness JRNY Gallery’s unique position at the crossroads of digital and physical art worlds, creating a space where cutting-edge technology meets creative expression. This proposal is intended to span for one year, which will start after a month or two of setup.

JRNY Gallery is not just a gallery; it’s a cultural hub, showcasing diverse digital art talents and hosting events that unite artists, enthusiasts, investors, and innovators. By integrating ApeCoin into this vibrant setting, we aspire to cultivate a deeper understanding and appreciation of ApeCoin’s potential, extending beyond the art community into the broader spectrum of digital innovation. Moreover, JRNY Gallery’s prime location within the Arts District becomes particularly significant during the monthly First Friday events, which consistently attract 15,000-20,000 visitors. These
events present a unique opportunity for extensive exposure and onboarding of the general public to the world of ApeCoin and NFTs. This collaboration marks a distinctive chance to bridge communities, enhance engagement, and spotlight the transformative influence of ApeCoin in the ever-evolving narrative of digital art.

Learn more about JRNY Gallery



The “ArtJourney with ApeCoin: The JRNY Gallery Experience” proposal is designed to deliver direct and significant benefits to the ApeCoin community, leveraging strategic branding and community engagement to enhance value. Here’s how we plan to capitalize on these opportunities:

  • Maximizing Brand Exposure: Our collaboration centered around the JRNY Gallery, especially during high-traffic events like First Friday, ensures that ApeCoin branding and messaging are visible to a large and diverse audience. This exposure is not just about visibility; it’s about creating a connection between ApeCoin and the innovative world of digital art. By associating ApeCoin with the creativity and excitement of the NFT art space, we enhance the brand’s perception as a leader in digital innovation.
  • Educational Outreach for Deeper Engagement: Leveraging JRNY Crypto’s expertise and platform, our educational resources about ApeCoin are designed to transform curiosity into comprehensive knowledge and active engagement. These resources, including an educational video and printed materials, will be curated with insights from JRNY Crypto, ensuring they effectively demystify ApeCoin for newcomers while enriching the understanding of existing enthusiasts. This approach transcends the mere dissemination of information, focusing instead on cultivating a knowledgeable and committed community that recognizes and values the potential of ApeCoin.
  • Community Events to Foster Loyalty: Hosting monthly events specifically for ApeCoin and Yuga holders isn’t just a means to gather the community; it’s an opportunity to strengthen the bonds within it. These events will serve as a
platform for community members to connect, share ideas, and deepen their commitment to ApeCoin, creating a more cohesive and passionate user base.
  • Utilizing ApeCoin in Transactions for Real-World Utility: Accepting ApeCoin as payment for gallery events, merchandise, and artworks translates the digital currency into tangible experiences and products. This practical utility not only demonstrates the real-world applicability of ApeCoin but also encourages its circulation and adoption, enhancing its value proposition.
  • Synergy Between Digital and Physical Presence: The combination of online promotion and physical gallery presence creates a synergy that amplifies the impact of each. The physical gallery attracts visitors and media attention, while the digital presence extends the reach globally. Together, they create a comprehensive platform for ApeCoin’s promotion, driving both immediate impressions and long-term brand recognition.

In summary, the “ArtJourney with ApeCoin” proposal is crafted to harness the power of art, education, community, and real-world utility to drive not just visibility but meaningful engagement and value for the ApeCoin ecosystem.


Sponsorship Details The “ArtJourney with ApeCoin: The JRNY Gallery Experience” proposal includes a multifaceted package designed to showcase ApeCoin in the JRNY Gallery:

Gallery Support:

  • Two full walls within the JRNY Gallery will be dedicated to ApeCoin, featuring dynamic digital art and information displays. This high-visibility placement and creative showcase ensures that every visitor experiences the essence of ApeCoin’s integration with art.

Projects Accepting ApeCoin & AIP-Approved Projects Section:
- Our intention is to celebrate and promote projects that utilize ApeCoin, with a particular focus on showcasing projects that have been approved through the ApeCoin DAO’s AIP process. Our commitment is to foster a collaborative and respectful environment that celebrates the creativity and innovation within the ApeCoin community. Should we decide to feature any projects or works that could be associated with the “Made by Apes” concept or any other Yuga Labs program, we will ensure clear and distinct branding and signage within the gallery. This will be done to prevent any conflation between the ApeCoin DAO’s initiatives and Yuga Labs’ programs, maintaining a clear distinction in how these projects are presented and branded.

Gallery Signage:
- A striking, neon sign displaying “Powered by ApeCoin” within the gallery, creating a visually impactful reminder of ApeCoin’s presence and support.

Promotional Material:
- Informative and visually appealing printed materials distributed to gallery visitors, offering a free, tangible take-away that deepens understanding and interest in ApeCoin.

ApeCoin Gift Bags:
- Unique gift bags free of charge for visitors to create a memorable gallery experience and foster a sense of exclusivity and community among ApeCoin users.

Monthly Events:
- Regular events at the gallery celebrating ApeCoin and Yuga holders and providing a platform for networking and collaboration among enthusiasts and artists.

Advertising Inclusion:
- Featuring “Powered by ApeCoin” prominently in external advertising efforts, such as billboards and magazine ads, to extend the reach and recognition of ApeCoin beyond the gallery’s walls.

Gallery Website Promotional Page:
- A dedicated ApeCoin section on the JRNY Gallery website, serving as a promotional gateway into ApeCoin. This page aims to appeal to newcomers and experienced Web3 users alike.

Educational Videos:
- A professionally crafted video from JRNY Crypto explaining ApeCoin’s concept, utility, and vision. Positioned prominently in the gallery and online, this video will serve as a key educational tool for gallery visitors and online audiences.

Social Media Promotion:
- Active promotion of ApeCoin through JRNY Gallery’s social media channels, ensuring consistent engagement with a wider online community.


Events and Community Engagement The “ArtJourney with ApeCoin: The JRNY Gallery Experience” proposal places a significant emphasis on events and community engagement, recognizing these as crucial platforms for fostering a strong, interconnected ApeCoin community. This segment of the proposal outlines several key initiatives:

Monthly Events for spotlighting ApeCoin and Yuga Holders: Central to our community engagement strategy is the hosting of monthly events at JRNY Gallery. These events will provide an opportunity to spotlight ApeCoin and Yuga holders, providing a regular opportunity for members of the community to meet, network, and share ideas. These gatherings could range from informal meetups to more structured events, such as speaker sessions, panel discussions, and interactive workshops. The goal is to create a vibrant, ongoing conversation within the community, strengthening the ties between members and deepening their connection to the ApeCoin ecosystem.

Discounted Events for Verified Holders: To add an element of exclusivity and reward community loyalty, we plan to offer discounted access to certain gallery events for verified ApeCoin holders. This initiative not only incentivizes ApeCoin holding but also fosters a sense of belonging and appreciation among community members. Discounted events could include exclusive viewings, artist meet-and-greets, or special workshops.

Showcasing Community Talent and Initiatives: Each event will also serve as a showcase for the diverse talents and projects within the ApeCoin community. By highlighting different Ape holder projects, art pieces, or initiatives at each event, we create an environment that celebrates and promotes the creativity and innovation thriving within our community.

Through these events and engagement strategies, we aim to cultivate a dynamic and supportive environment where the ApeCoin community can thrive, collaborate, and grow together, furthering the collective strength and vision of the ApeCoin ecosystem.

We aim to ensure that the majority of premium gallery features, particularly those related to the JRNY Gallery website and most events hosted by JRNY, are either heavily discounted or entirely free of charge. Our objective is to leverage the funding from this proposal to enhance accessibility to the JRNY Gallery and its offerings, thereby broadening participation and engagement within the ApeCoin community.

However, it is important to note that certain workshops and events may carry a ticketed price. This is particularly true for events that are hosted in partnership with external organizers who may require compensation or for exclusive, high-demand events where the capacity is limited. In such cases, ticket prices would be determined in collaboration with the event organizers, with proceeds going directly to them to cover their costs and efforts. Examples might include specialized workshops led by renowned artists or experts in the cryptocurrency and NFT space. The necessity for ticketing in these instances is to manage demand and ensure a high-quality experience for attendees, rather than to generate profit for the JRNY Gallery itself.

Our funding strategy is designed with the community’s best interests at heart, focusing on providing great value at low or no cost wherever feasible. By doing so, we aim to make the JRNY Gallery and its various utilities more accessible to a wider audience, aligning with our goal of promoting ApeCoin and fostering a vibrant, engaged community around digital art and cryptocurrency.


Promotional Activities The “ArtJourney with ApeCoin: The JRNY Gallery Experience” proposal includes a range of promotional activities designed to enhance the visibility and appeal of ApeCoin. These activities are aimed at both gallery visitors and the broader online community, creating multiple touchpoints for engagement:

Printed Promotional Materials: We will produce high-quality, visually appealing printed materials, such as brochures, flyers, and posters, to distribute to gallery visitors. These materials will provide concise information about ApeCoin, its utility, and its role in the digital art space. They serve as a tangible reminder of the ApeCoin experience at JRNY Gallery, helping to maintain engagement even after visitors leave the gallery.

ApeCoin-themed Gift Bags: To create a memorable experience for visitors, unique ApeCoin-themed gift bags will be offered. These bags could include branded merchandise, information booklets, and possibly limited edition art pieces or tokens. The aim is to provide a tangible connection to ApeCoin, enhancing brand recall and loyalty.

Regarding the ApeCoin Gift Bags and the associated branded merchandise, including information booklets and potentially limited edition art pieces or tokens, we aim to utilize these items as free promotional materials. Our goal is to enhance the gallery experience and foster a deeper connection with the ApeCoin community, not to generate sales from these items.

To add value and exclusivity to these giveaways, we are considering implementing additional layers of engagement for recipients of the more limited edition products. For instance, eligibility could be based on holding ApeCoin or participating in ApeCoin-related activities or quests designed to promote interaction within the community and further engagement with the ApeCoin ecosystem. These initiatives are intended to celebrate and reward community participation and investment in the ApeCoin ecosystem.

All promotional materials, including the gift bags and their contents, are designed to be distributed free of charge. This approach is in line with our overarching aim to provide tangible benefits to the ApeCoin community, enhancing the visibility and appeal of ApeCoin through thoughtful, engaging, and value-driven experiences at the JRNY Gallery.

Regular Social Media Promotion: Leveraging JRNY Gallery’s social media platforms, we plan regular postings about ApeCoin. This will include updates on gallery events, highlights of ApeCoin-related art, and educational content. Engaging social media campaigns can significantly extend the reach of ApeCoin messaging, tapping into a
wider, digitally savvy audience.

"Powered by ApeCoin’’ Branding: We will integrate "Powered by ApeCoin’’ branding into various promotional channels, such as billboards, magazine ads, and digital ads. This consistent branding approach will reinforce ApeCoin’s association with creativity and innovation in the minds of a diverse audience.

Collaborations and Partnerships: Exploring collaborations with artists, influencers, and other galleries can amplify the reach of our promotional activities. These partnerships can lead to co-branded events, joint social media campaigns, and cross-promotional opportunities, further elevating the visibility of ApeCoin. We will also be seeking out other approved AIPs to collaborate with.

These promotional activities are designed not just to advertise but to engage and educate, thereby fostering a deeper connection between the audience and ApeCoin. The multifaceted approach ensures that ApeCoin’s presence is felt strongly both within the JRNY Gallery and in the wider digital art and cryptocurrency communities.

Additional Exposure and Acceptance of ApeCoin The “ArtJourney with ApeCoin: The JRNY Gallery Experience” initiative also aims to extend the influence and practical application of ApeCoin beyond the gallery, further integrating it into the broader art and crypto communities:

Monthly Articles on BlockNews.com: We plan to feature a monthly article on BlockNews.com, a JRNY Club platform known for its comprehensive coverage of
cryptocurrency and NFTs. These articles will focus on various aspects of ApeCoin, such as its use cases, community highlights, and developments within the ApeCoin ecosystem. This will not only educate a wider audience but also position ApeCoin as a leading token in the crypto-art space.

Accepting ApeCoin for Gallery Transactions: A significant step towards mainstream adoption, JRNY Gallery will accept ApeCoin as a mode of payment for gallery events, merchandise, and artworks. This move serves a dual purpose: it demonstrates the practical utility of ApeCoin in real-world transactions and encourages its circulation
within the art community. Accepting ApeCoin directly ties its value to tangible goods and experiences, enhancing its appeal to both crypto enthusiasts and art lovers.

Partnerships for Wider Acceptance: Exploring partnerships with other galleries, art events, and online platforms to accept ApeCoin can broaden its acceptance and usability. These partnerships will not only promote ApeCoin’s utility in the art world but also encourage its integration into other creative and commercial endeavors.

Community-driven Initiatives: Encouraging the ApeCoin community to propose and lead initiatives that can further the acceptance and exposure of ApeCoin. This could include community-led art projects, collaborations with artists, and online campaigns that highlight the use of ApeCoin in creative contexts. By focusing on these areas, the proposal aims to create a broader acceptance of ApeCoin, both as a currency and a key part of the evolving digital art narrative. These efforts will help to bridge the gap between cryptocurrency and the mainstream, showcasing the practical and innovative uses of ApeCoin in various domains.



Digital Displays: For showcasing dynamic digital art and information about ApeCoin on two full walls within JRNY Gallery.

Gallery Website: A dedicated ApeCoin section on the JRNY Gallery website, implying the use of web development technologies for creating an engaging online presence.

Social Media Channels: For the promotion of ApeCoin and the gallery’s events, indicating the use of platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Educational Video Production: Involves video editing and production technologies, possibly animation and high-end graphics software, to create a video explaining ApeCoin’s concept, utility, and vision.

Printed Promotional Materials: While not a digital technology, the production of high-quality printed materials (brochures, flyers, posters) will likely involve graphic design software.

Neon Signage: Custom-made, artistically designed light-up signage for in-gallery branding, involving design and manufacturing technologies specific to neon signage. BlockNews.com : For publishing monthly articles about ApeCoin, suggesting the use of content management systems (CMS) and digital publishing platforms.

Digital Content and Media Creation: Utilizing video and photography equipment and editing software for content creation to promote events and the ApeCoin integration.

Digital Marketing and Social Media Promotion: This would include the use of digital marketing tools, social media advertising platforms, and possibly influencer marketing platforms.

Event Organization Tools: For managing and hosting events, possibly involving event management software or platforms like Eventbrite.

ApeCoin Transactions: Accepting ApeCoin as a payment method for gallery events, merchandise, and artworks suggests the use of cryptocurrency payment gateways or platforms that support ApeCoin transactions.


Total Budget: 400,000 $APE

The budget for “ArtJourney with ApeCoin: The JRNY Gallery Experience” is meticulously designed to cover all aspects of the initiative, ensuring a high-quality execution for one full year following a month or two of setup. Below is a breakdown of the estimated costs, including the value of JRNY Club provided deliverables:

Gallery Wall Space, Setup and Operation:
Cost: 50,000 APE
High-quality digital displays and necessary renovations for the dedicated walls. Monthly updates for monitor art and informational displays. Includes a section in the gallery for Apecoin merch and other related items.

Educational Video Production:
Cost: 0 APE (Provided by JRNY Club)
Professional-grade educational video, including animation, high-end graphics, and JRNY Crypto’s insight. Designed to be integrated with other Ape Coin Education programs and initiatives.

Website Development and Maintenance for ApeCoin Landing Page:
Cost: 5,000 APE
Advanced web development for an interactive and engaging ApeCoin section on the JRNY Gallery website, with integrated features like engaging interactive elements, regular updates, and a user-friendly interface. Where we will direct local traffic that want to learn more about ApeCoin and where we will host the educational videos and materials.

Printed Promotional Materials:
Cost: 15,000 APE
Premium quality printing for a range of materials, including brochures, large format posters, and interactive QR code-linked flyers.

ApeCoin-themed Gift Bags:
Cost: 50,000 APE
Deluxe gift bags with high-quality branded merchandise, custom-designed items, and limited edition collectibles.

Digital Content and Media:
Cost: 40,000 APE
Video and photography from major ApeCoin events at the gallery from high-tier local production companies. Photos and Videos will be shared to help boost ApeCoin marketing as a whole, as well as within our own ecosystem.

Social Media Promotion and Digital Marketing:
Cost: 50,000 APE
Comprehensive digital marketing campaigns, including paid social media advertising, influencer partnerships, and content creation services.

Event Organization and Hosting:
Cost: 40,000 APE
Hosting monthly events with reserved spaces to discuss Ape Coin and its initiatives.

Advertising (Billboards, Magazine Ads, etc.):
Cost: 80,000 APE
Premium placements in high-traffic areas and leading magazines, with professionally designed advertisements.

Gallery Signage (Light-Up Sign and Other Branding Materials):
Cost: 10,000 APE
Custom-made, artistically designed light-up sign and other high-quality branding materials for in-gallery promotion.

Partnership and Collaborative Efforts:
Cost: 30,000 APE
Engaging with well-known artists and influencers for collaborative promotional efforts and special gallery features.

Miscellaneous and Contingency Costs:
Cost: 30,000 APE
Reserved for unexpected expenses, additional promotional opportunities, or enhancements to planned activities.

A message from JRNY Crypto: Hey everyone, hope you like the gallery proposal. As you may or may not know, ApeCoin is one of my top picks in the Crypto space and I’m huge supporter of the entire Yuga ecosystem. I personally put a lot of thought into this AIP and have held off to do an AIP until now because I wanted it to be something that would make a big impact by not only giving ApeCoin new utility, but also raising awareness and building community around it. I see massive potential for ApeCoin in the future and hope to see many other ecosystems adopt ApeCoin and build new products using it. The is the first step in adopting ApeCoin as the Aiur Labs ecosystem token.


Link to the full proposal: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/aip-411-artjourney-with-apecoin-the-jrny-gallery-experience/22598

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

2M votes
4 months ago

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